Thursday, June 16, 2011

small change

Small change

Your house hides a real treasure!
The average household usually has a pot full of loose change sitting in a corner.

Who has not at home a pot in which it relieves a few times a week the small change he has in his pockets or their purse?

We piled the pennies and the pennies in order to afford a short stay with the kids or a dinner out in next 6 months or to surprise the children when they have been good.

Although the intentions are always good at first, after a while, this little money by staying in over the "pot of pennies" and when the time arrives to spoil it for the new money that is out of our pockets. That's the reality admit it!

Here is a typical example of spending your first day:
This morning, like every morning, you left the house without small change. Obviously because it was filed in the pot hundred last night. Going to the office, we stop and take a coffee by the way, Cost: $ 1.13. Oops! no small change. You leave a small $ 2. It gives you your money, you leave a tip 25 ¢. Now you have 62 cents in loose change. In the afternoon, in lack of energy, you decide to pay a good dark chocolate $ 1.68 (tax included). Again the same reaction, this time you leave a $ 5 bill. You return the money is: $ 3.32, which will probably end up in the pot at the end of the day!

How to use the little money instead of earn?
What can we make this money sitting at the bottom of the drawer or the closet or ... "Where do I fucked my jar of pennies? ..."

To avoid accumulating small change, remember to take your money in the morning before leaving for work and keep it in your pocket. It is important to take different values ​​in parts to avoid having to "break" a banknote with face value (a $ 5, $ 10, or $ 20).

You should have on you at all times $ 1.99 in loose change conveniently distributed as follows:


4 to 1 ¢ (penny)

3 to 5 ¢

3 to 10 ¢

2 to 25 ¢

1 - $ 1

This way you what it takes to at least pay the exact amount of your first coffee in your day and a little more in case of an extra.

Another way to enjoy the money sitting in our drawers.

It is difficult to know the amount of money sitting in our drawers but it has this number in the hundreds of millions of dollars. If you can not discipline yourself, use another way to return your loose change in the economy. Here are some ways:


Roll your money yourself and return it to the bank

Use the self-service coin counting (eg Coinstar)
Although fees apply, this service can be very useful for those who do not want to "roll" their currencies. These machines can sort and count to 600 parts per minute. It issues a receipt that you exchange at the counter. As is done with the return of empty bottles.
For larger amounts we may need to contact the coin counter for assistance.

Go with the currency in the morning and remember to check if you have the exact account before paying every purchase. Then you will not earn more than pocket change than normal.

If you can not discipline yourself, use another way to return your loose change in the economy


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