Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurricane Irene arrived in the U.S.


Hurricane Irene on Saturday, demoted to a category, has just reached North Carolina. The mayor of New York, meanwhile ordered the evacuation of 370,000 people

Hurricane Irene on Saturday, demoted to Class 1, on Saturday reached the Atlantic coast of the United States. He arrived near Cape Lookout, North Carolina. The people had started on Friday night to feel the first effects of Hurricane Irene, whose arrival has led the authorities to implement emergency measures including evacuation orders unprecedented in New York. Rain and high winds are identical to those generated by a tropical storm.

States Carolina to Maine through Washington, the local authorities declared a state of emergency at the approach of the storm about 900 km in diameter could affect 55 million Americans. Barack Obama said that the consequences of the hurricane, an unusually wide, could be "extremely dangerous and costly." "Everything suggests that this will be a historic hurricane," said the American president to his compatriots, who remember the devastating passage of Katrina on New Orleans in 2005.

Evacuation of 370 000 in New York

Friday night, North Carolina, trees were uprooted, the areas were flooded and electricity was cut to 7600 inhabitants of the city of Wilmington because of weathering due to the first hurricane.

Hurricane Irene arrived in the U.S.

Hundreds of thousands of residents and tourists have begun to move away from the likely path of depression. In New York, 370,000 people were ordered to evacuate their homes in low lying areas of Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens, the authorities feared flooding from Sunday in the city but also on Long Island, more East. "We had never done until now in a forced evacuation, and we would not do it today if we did not think this storm was likely to be very dangerous," said New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. He added: "It's not a joke, your life could be in danger."

The army ready to respond

U.S. airlines for their part, canceled nearly 8,000 flights and moved their equipment out of the likely path of the hurricane. Transit will close at noon and the roads could be cut if the winds are above 90 km / h.

Leon Panetta, the Defence Secretary, announced that the army was ready to assist, if necessary, and that more than 100,000 members of the National Guard could be made available to affected States.

The people stayed near the Atlantic coast have established reserves of food and water and tried to protect their homes and property.
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Monday, August 22, 2011

The tablet on the way to supplant the PC

The decision of HP, world's largest manufacturer of computers, separate from its PC reflects a major change in the industry and marks the emergence of new players.

This is a milestone in the history of computing. The world's leading manufacturer of PC announced that it will withdraw from this activity. In making this decision, Leo Apotheker, CEO of HP, takes note of a double reality: the market has already switched to the HP tablets and missed that turn.

The boundary drawn between PCs and tablets no longer be needed. Laptops and the "Pad" or "Tab" to the same target audience. "The tablet is the ultimate mobile device. It will even be the first TV screen connected in homes and transportable, "predicts Christopher Aulnette, CEO of Netgem.

PC sales will continue to grow in the coming years, but at a slower pace. In the last quarter, they rose by only 2% worldwide and even dropped by 19% in Europe, according to the latest study by Gartner. PC sales have been hard hit by soaring sales of tablets. DisplaySearch fact of Apple the leading seller of laptops, PCs and by adding the shelves in the same category. HP is demoted to second place. "The slowdown in sales growth of PC is due to higher sales of tablets," said Richard Shim, senior analyst at DisplaySearch. So much so that by 2016 it is expected to sell more bars in the world of laptops. This is due to consumer demand. The PC market is still supported by demand from businesses.

The launch of the iPad, last year, PC makers were first considered this the emergence of a new market. They readily confined the tablet to the consultation content, reserving the game more "noble" computing, content creation, to the PC. It only took a few months to shake the certainties. On a daily basis, the consumer sends e-mails, watch videos, plays, reading a newspaper, surfing, photo sharing on the Internet ... So many things that are perfectly feasible on a shelf, or even more easily than a laptop . Besides all uses brought by additional accessories such as holders for music.

While the tablets are not equipped with big hard drives capable of storing data. But Apple has already provided an answer to storage problems with icloud. All information can be stored on external servers. The only limit to access constantly, you need a connection worthy of the name. The tablet can connect at home Wi-Fi or outside the network via the Internet Mobile Broadband 3G.

An integrated model

Finally, the supply of tablets will continue to evolve, driven by competition among big players, Apple and Google, and their "challengers" Microsoft and RIM (BlackBerry).

"To exist on the consumer market for personal computers, must be able to sell PCs, tablets and smartphones, said Ranjit Atwal, an analyst at Gartner. The profits come from the ecosystem that results, not hardware sales. "Apple is the model. After developing the application store on iPhone and iPad, he extended the principle to the Mac.

As such, Leo Apotheker wanted to go too fast. He left no time to its operating system WebOS, or its application store, AppCatalog, to develop. "The transition of a business model to another is not easy, and HP probably has overestimated the value of its brand among consumers," said Ranjit Atwal. In the last quarter, PC sales to individuals of HP fell 10%, while those companies grew by 20%.

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fünfzigsten Jahrestag des Baus der Berliner Mauer


Berlin Der heutige Tag markiert den fünfzigsten Jahrestag des Baus der Berliner Mauer, die in zwei Teile, auch grüßt die Erinnerung an diejenigen, die getötet, während er versucht, die Mauer überqueren waren geteilt.

Vleil der zwölften bis dreizehnten August / August der Präsident des kommunistischen Osten Deutschland Walter Olbraist es zu starten "Operation Rose."

Und mehr kosten als zehntausend deutsche Truppen östlich der Bau einer "Mauer des Schutzes gegen den Faschismus" in der Tat ein Hindernis für die Übertragung der osteuropäischen Bevölkerung, die Bereiche von den alliierten Truppen besetzt stoppen und verhindern, dass sie an der Flucht durch die West-Berlin war eine kapitalistische Enklave erlaubt.

Die Entscheidung fiel, nachdem er mehr als 2,5 Millionen Menschen an demokratischen Deutschland mit einer Bevölkerung von 19 Millionen Menschen verlassen hatte.

Aber die Ostdeutschen setzten ihre Versuche, in den Westen zu bewegen, mit allen Mitteln zu verstecken Mechanismen, um zu graben Tunnel. Er starb in der Nähe der Wand 136 von ihnen nach Historiker, die die Zahl der Menschen in Versuchen getötet zu überqueren, um zwischen 607 hundert Menschen geschätzt werden.

Und soll der Gedenkfeier beginnt an diesem Morgen in der Kirche war in der Pufferzone errichtet zuvor. Stattliche und Materialien für das Leben derer, die Flucht vor den Grenzsoldaten starben erschossen.

Ceremony und Glocken
Der deutsche Bundespräsident wird Christian Wulff auf der zehnten Brief in Anwesenheit von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und Berlins Bürgermeister Wowereit Mlaus Sozialdemokraten am Monument Street Bernoir (Bernoir Strasse) von der "Mauer der Schande" in zwei Teile geteilt zu liefern.

Am Mittag Stqra Kirchenglocken und die Züge in den Bahnhöfen und die Bewegung in der Stadt für eine Minute zu stoppen.

Auch heute noch nicht vorbereitet U-Bahn und S-Bahnen, in welcher Form sie vor dem Bau der Mauer war, nach 22 Jahren im Herbst.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Samsung Galaxy 10,1 révision


Le plus lisse tablette Android encore: enfin l'iPad 2 a, presque littéralement, a rencontré son match

Date de révision: 10 août 2011

Révisé par: Darien Graham-Smith

Prix ​​Lors de la révision: £ 399 (£ 479 TTC)


Comme nous l'écrire cette critique, il a été annoncé que les ventes de Samsung tablette Android derniers doivent être stoppé à travers l'Europe, suite à des poursuites judiciaires d'Apple. Coup d'œil sur le tableau et il n'est pas difficile de voir pourquoi. Le Galaxy Tab 10,1 ressemble étrangement, insolemment semblable à un iPad 2 - et il n'a probablement pas aidé que ses capacités et de configurations différentes 3G sont au prix d'adapter précisément les modèles correspondants d'Apple. Samsung prévoit de faire appel contre la décision, mais les stocks actuels sont vendus une fois on ne sait pas si et quand il y en aura plus.

C'est une honte, parce que le Galaxy Tab a beaucoup de choses pour elle. Les regards ont été mis à jour depuis Samsung abord démontré l'appareil en Février, mais il est encore plus léger que l'IPAD 2 à 565g, et une fraction d'un millimètre de plus minces. Le dos en plastique n'est pas aussi épreuve que boîtier métallique d'Apple, mais comme le transformateur Asus Eee Pad - jusque-là de notre tablette Android préférées - il se sent solide et chaude au toucher.

L'écran est un plaisir aussi - une multitouch 1200 x 800 écran LCD donnant plus d'espace de l'écran que l'IPAD 2 et une hauteur nette de points. Basé sur Samsung technologie PLS Super - l'entreprise propres prennent IPS - c'est aussi lumineux et coloré que vous pourriez demander, offrant excellents angles de vision et d'une luminosité maximale arrêtant des 492cd/m2 (plus lumineux que l'affichage d'Apple), avec un ratio de contraste percutant de 600:1. Le seul inconvénient est que, de façon prévisible, le format panoramique se sent un peu lourd en orientation portrait.

En interne, le Galaxy Tab 10.1 est basé sur un processeur 1GHz Nvidia Tegra 2 processeur dual-core, nouveau correspondant du transformateur Asus. Il n'est pas surprenant, donc, pour voir le benchmark SunSpider JavaScript complète dans un très proche 2,4 secondes - juste un smidgeon derrière les 2 iPad 2,1 secondes. La page d'accueil BBC a ouvert en 5,6 secondes, et l'indice de référence Quadrant Android uniquement l'onglet Galaxy 2200 a marqué, encore une fois un score typique d'une tablette haut de gamme.

En pratique, cela rend Honeycomb une expérience Snappy. Le défilement et animations tournantes semblent légèrement saccadé par rapport à l'iPad 2, et quand vous glissez pour faire défiler vers le haut ou le bas d'une page, il ya un délai avant que le mouvement de minuscules registres. Mais ce sont en général niggles Android, et ils sont faciles à vivre. Globalement, les applications et les front-end sont aussi sensibles que vous pourriez demander.

Samsung a également superposé son TouchWiz 4.0 personnalisations sur l'interface Android régulière. Il s'agit notamment de "panneaux vivre" - grand widgets d'information pour vos écrans d'accueil - et un "Plateau Mini Apps" le long du bas de l'écran d'accueil. La notification et la zone des paramètres en bas à droite de l'écran est remplacé par une version propre de Samsung, offrant plus simple à une touche d'accès aux réglages les plus fréquemment utilisés.

Une voyante "tilt pour zoomer" fonctionnalité a également été ajoutée au navigateur et divers éléments d'interface ont été retapé avec un chiffon propre en noir sur blanc regarder. Ces changements ne sont pas trop intrusif, mais ils ajoutent peu à l'expérience. Potentiellement plus utile est la copie préinstallée de bureau Polaris, ainsi que quelques applications sur mesure de Samsung. Il s'agit notamment du Social Hub, qui combine vos services de réseau social en une seule interface, et le Hub Musique, un magasin de musique intégré alimenté par le service 7digital.
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Friday, August 5, 2011

dow jones industrial average

Wall Street bounce or no bounce?

Wall Street is evolving in an extremely volatile on Friday and is now displayed in a dispersed two-hour closing. The rebound in the Dow Jones remains weak while the evidence seemed to want to plunge a few hours ago. Rumours suggesting the support from the ECB, Italy and Spain, came somewhat calm the operators in the afternoon. Moreover, the market is only half reassured by the latest employment figures across the Atlantic, marked by a decline in unemployment to 9.1% and 117,000 new jobs. Finally, the S & P still maintains the pressure on a possible deterioration in the U.S. note ... The DJIA bounced currently 0.86% at 11,481 points while the Nasdaq yield 0.13% to 2553 pts.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor on Friday, the creations of non-agricultural jobs in the United States for the month of July 2011 were well above consensus, numbering 89,000 against 117,000 expected by economists on average. The U.S. unemployment rate declined slightly further to 9.1% against 9.2% consensus and 9.2% reported a month before. Job creation in June are reviewed last up to 46,000, against 18,000 previously estimated.

In the private sector, the government no fewer than 154,000 jobs created in July after 80 000 in June (revised from 57,000). Consensus was 110,000 in July.

The index on the Monster Online recruitment for the U.S. came out in July 2011 rose by 4% compared to last year at 144 after 146 in June 2011 and 143 in May. It was 138 in July 2010. This is the 18th consecutive month of increase in the indicator year on year. The decline compared to June is in turn consistent with the seasonal normal.

Italian and Spanish rates "spread" relax on Friday night as rumors, citing the fact that Italian and Spanish central banks have purchased on behalf of the European Central Bank debt securities in their country, traveling at the moment markets. According to other rumors quite similar, the European Central Bank would be willing to support the Italian and Spanish bonds if these countries are subject to certain reforms.

While the "double dip" a growing threat and that financial markets are battered, U.S. President Barack Obama has again tried to reassure markets on Friday by saying that the U.S. would get out " we'll go out, things will get better ", he protested loudly. The U.S. president also reiterated that his country had managed to create jobs in the private sector for 17 consecutive months ...


AIG (-3%) has released its second quarter results. Its net income was $ 1.8 billion and operating profit after tax was $ 1.3 billion. Over the same period last year, the Group had a net loss of $ 2.7 billion, and operating profit after tax of $ 793 million. Q2 2011 EPS is $ 1, against $ -19.57 in Q2 2010. However, operating profit (after tax) per share was $ 0.69, against $ 1.18 a year earlier.

Fluorine (5%) announced its second quarter results. Profits are $ 165 million ($ 0.94 per share) against $ 157 million ($ 0.87 per share) a year before. The consensus was $ 0.81 in EPS. Its revenues climbed 17% to $ 6 billion. Of 2011, the Group is an EPS between $ 3.40 and 3.10, against a previous range of 3.00 / $ 3.40.

LinkedIn (-1%), the professional social network recently introduced on Wall Street, announced yesterday the quarterly detonating. For its second fiscal quarter, the Group has in fact posted a net profit of $ 4.5 million and 4 cents a share, compared with a profit of $ 938 K and 2 cents per share during the same period last year . Income, $ 121 million, soared on the other hand 120% year on year, against about $ 55 million in Q2 last year. Adjusted EPS was 10 cents per share. The Wall Street consensus was 4 cents loss per share and $ 104.5 million in quarterly revenues. For the quarter began, LinkedIn expects revenues ranging from 121 to $ 125 million. For the year, revenue is estimated between 475 and $ 485 million. The projections are also much higher than the consensus ($ 439 million in annual sales).

PMI Group (-27%), mortgage insurer American had already unscrewed from 53% last night on Wall Street after announcing that it would stop new insurance in several states because of its inadequate levels of capital, mainly those subsidiary of PMI Mortgage Insurance Co. In the second quarter, PMI has lost $ 135 million and 83 cents a share, against $ 151 million and $ 1.11 per share a year earlier. The new challenge course, the pressure on bond insurers. MGIC also unscrewed last night on the American coast, as well as Radian Group.

AES (2%) recorded for its second fiscal quarter net income increased by 21% to $ 174 million and 22 cents a share, against $ 144 million a year earlier. American Energy Group generated revenues up 16% to $ 4.54 billion, for an adjusted EPS growth of 17% to 28 cents, slightly higher than the consensus.

CF Industries (4%) announced its second quarter results. Its earnings are $ 487.4 million ($ 6.75 per share) against $ 105.1 million ($ 1.54 per share) a year before. Its revenues climbed 38% to $ 1.8 billion. Analysts on average expected a quarterly EPS of $ 6.95, on revenues of $ 1.7 billion.

Pitney Bowes (2%) published its second quarter results. Its earnings are $ 100.9 million ($ 0.49 per share) against $ 61.4 million ($ 0.30 per share) a year before. Bottom adjusted EPS totaled $ 0.52, against $ 0.48 a year earlier and $ 0.52 consensus. Its revenues climbed 1.3% to $ 1.31 billion, against $ 1.32 billion consensus. During the year, the Group is always an EPS between $ 2.35 and 2.15.

Procter & Gamble (2%), the giant consumer products, posted the fourth fiscal quarter 2011 net income up 15% to $ 2.51 billion and 84 cents a share, against $ 2.19 billion a year before. Revenues are appreciated for their 10% to reach $ 20.9 billion. The consensus was 82 cents EPS and $ 20.6 billion in billings. The Group is considering Cincinnati for the year 2012 adjusted earnings per share ranging from 4.17 to 4.33 $, up 6% to 10%. The market consensus is $ 4.45.

Viacom (1%), the U.S. media group, reported in the third fiscal quarter ended in June 2011 with net income of $ 574 million and 97 cents a share, against $ 420 million a year before, or 69 cents per share only. Revenue rose to $ 3.77 billion in the quarter, against $ 3.28 billion last year. Media networks and filmed entertainment posted double-digit growth of their business. The adjusted EPS has accounted for 99 cents against 71 cents a year earlier. The consensus was 86 cents EPS for $ 3.5 billion in revenue. (+10%) has unveiled its second quarter results. Its earnings are $ 256.4 million ($ 5.02 per share) against $ 115 million ($ 2.26 per share) a year before. Adjusted basis, EPS totaled $ 5.49, against $ 3.09 for the same period last year, and $ 4.85 consensus. Its revenues are $ 1.1 billion, up 44% against the $ 1.08 consensus. In Q3, the Group is an EPS between $ 9.30 and 9.10 (above expectations), on revenues up from 37 to 42%.

Weight Watchers (16%) reported for its second quarter net earnings of $ 87 million and $ 1.17 per share, against $ 56 million a year before or 73 cents per share. The Group of New York took advantage of consumer demand in North America and the UK market. Revenues totaled $ 486 million, against $ 377 million a year earlier. Group boosts its forecast for annual EPS between $ 4.05 and 3.85.

Sunoco (-4%) has released its second quarter results showing a net loss of $ 125 million ($ 1.03 per share), against a profit of $ 145 million ($ 1.20 per share) a year before. The loss is mainly due to asset write-downs in the industry "chemistry" of the Group. Adjusted EPS totaled $ 0.40, against $ 1.31 for the same period last year, and $ 0.47 consensus. Its revenues climbed 25% to $ 12.02 billion, against $ 8.7 billion consensus.
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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Test Nexus S Sample video

Test Nexus S - Sample video
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本家出新貨 Google Nexus S

本家出新貨 Google Nexus S

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Testing the Nexus S: A new Google Phone from Samsung


1. Video:
2. photo presentation
3. What about the phone?
4. Web surfing comfort is it to go?
5. A good player?
6. The digital camera (+ video capture)
7. Video playback (DivX, MKV)
8. What about GPS?
9. The video games (3D)
10. About the NFC
11. Nexus S: An update on the screen
12. autonomy
13. conclusion

Testing the Nexus S

After you have chosen HTC to design a mobile first sold under its own brand, Google is now turning to Samsung. In South Korea, this new mobile succeeds S Galaxy which it shares many common features.

The Nexus S benefits of attention because Google is the first device to ship version 2.3 of Android (Gingerbread). Outperforms the terminal does all Android smartphones, including Galaxy S? The answer at the end of this test.

photo presentation

The Nexus S is largely based on the design of the Galaxy S. The shapes are slightly more rounded, but the casing is made of the same material and is seen decorated with similar motifs. At the rear, on the lower part, there are also the protuberance which facilitates handling. However, the Nexus S is slightly heavier than the Galaxy S (129g against 118g)

Another difference from the Galaxy S: No SD slot is present on the Nexus S. The unit is equipped with an onboard memory of 16 GB which he will be content.

What about the phone?

Comprehensive smartphone functions we could almost forget the basic function ie call. No worries individuals to report on this plan, the Nexus S offers excellent sound quality. The called party can confirm the quality of the microphone. On the physical level this time, when the Nexus S is in the ear, round the edge of the upper part of the mobile appears comfortable.

The software layer is no exception in that it offers a good grip. Gingerbread does not revolutionize the genre, but the basic menus for Android are entirely satisfactory. At all good.

A good player?

On this point, the Galaxy S scores from the Nexus S. Google engineers have been content to offer the standard player of Android as the Galaxy S has a much improved program Smasung. Result: the user loses the many audio profiles that were offered by Samsung

While it is always possible to take a walk through the Market to find an enhanced, but the reader board still retains the advantage of better integration at the heart of the system.

Another downside, the FM tuner expensive smartphones to the Samsung brand goes out the window. Too bad.

The digital camera (+ video capture)

The Nexus S has a 5 megapixel camera with autofocus single LED flash that produces very detailed pictures of good quality (see example). In front, there is an objective video VGA (640 x 480), but no dedicated hardware button to the NPC is present. On the software side this time, the Nexus S has a picture layer native Android 2.3. The lack of customization from the manufacturer does not have a problem here: the options are relatively complete by default. You can change the focus mode, exposure, white balance, resolution, quality, or select a preset profile (night, snow, landscape, etc.)..

The nice little extras have not been forgotten: you can geotag the photos or apply one of three filters monochrome, sepia and negative.

As for video capture, the Nexus S disappointing compared to the Galaxy S. While the younger brother was able to swallow the 720p @ 30 fps without flinching, the Nexus S simply the best of a stream 480p @ 30 fps (720 * 480 AVC encapsulated in a .3 gp file). In the end, the video is fluid, but the definition is less than that they were entitled to expect from a terminal of this caliber. There is also the effect of scanning (indoor) and the brightness variations fairly brutal.

Video playback (DivX, MKV)

However, strangely, when we expected a total incompatibility with the MKV (supported on the Galaxy S), we see that the 720p files of this type can be read in a perfect fluid on the Nexus S ... without the soundtrack is supported.

What about GPS?

The Nexus S has a relatively high-performance chip. The device is capable of performing a first cold fix in 38 seconds. After closing and restarting the GPS application, the following positions are carried out in 8 seconds. On GPS applications, in addition to Google Maps, it is always possible to go through the Market to unearth the right program.

Caution, however, we found that our test version of Navigon not working on Android 2.3. It's a safe bet that the commercial version poses the same problems. Contacted by us, Navigon announced that the next update to 3.5.4 MobileNavigator for Android will provide compatibility with Gingerbred. This should be available by late March.

The video games (3D)

3D performance of mobile are no exception. Relatively intensive games such as Reckless Racing run in a perfectly fluid.

About the NFC
The Nexus S is equipped with an NFC (Near Field Communication). If this technology is a lot of attention, its practical applications are still little known to future buyers. Of all the possibilities, there are two examples.

First, Samsung provides a native application soberly named "Tag". This provides similar functionality to programs reading tags 2D (Datamatrix, QR codes, mobile tag), but this time, the process relies on the NFC chip, not the AFN.

The tags read or generated by the program can still contain a contact card, a URL or plain text. The tags can be interpreted from another compatible terminal or a small antenna that is not thicker than a sheet of paper (see photo above).

In the near future, we can also save its data bank to make payments with their NFC smartphone. For the system to have a real interest, it was not until the equipment is widespread among traders.

Nexus S: An update on the screen

With a maximum brightness, the blacks are much deeper on the Super AMOLED. However, we note that the Super AMOLED exaggerates the colors, especially shades of green, blue and yellow. This excess of saturation in combination with a contrast ratio of muscular cause a loss of detail in the display. Ultimately, the Super Clear LCD delivers a more realistic colorimetry, while the Super AMOLED is rather in the flattering. There will be so for everyone. While the announcement by the manufacturer of less consumption with the Super Clear LCD finish perhaps tip the balance.


No doubt, the Nexus S is one of the best Android smartphones available today. The unit is slick, the screen offers an excellent report and this time it was finally right to a native integration of Android 2.3. Speaking of Gingerbread, it's a safe bet that the official support of Google provides good tracking updates. This was the case for the Nexus (which is to benefit from 2.3), there is no reason that the Nexus S escapes to the rule. It is only speculation, but this possibility should be considered.

Yet despite all these good indicators, the Nexus S may well miss its target. Even if the motive is good, he can not drive a sufficient distance to the Galaxy S. Even more annoying, some achievements of the Galaxy S disappear with the new Nexus. Thus, the FM tuner, support Divx, capture HD and SD slot through the cracks. Of course, Samsung said an NFC chip, but given the low penetration of compatible devices, it is not an argument.
Finally, if we take a look at the calendar, we see that the Nexus S does not come at the most opportune moment, stuck between a Galaxy fit S and S 2 Galaxy particularly expected.
Nevertheless, the impatient are not too embarrassed by small gaps from the Galaxy S can be seduced. The device is positioned without difficulty on the best of the podium.

Pricing and availability: SFR announced an exclusive two weeks from March 4 on the Web store, and then in the SFR space. The Nexus S will be available at € 149.90 (€ 199.90 - € 50 offer of repayment) with a subscription Illimythics 5 + 1H. In this operator, the device will be sold with packages frozen at 299.90 euros, or free subscription to 509.90 euros. According to SFR, the launch of the terminal was delayed due to late delivery of a new firmware version by Google (this would be a patch that provides better support for the touch-sensitive layer). Note that although this exclusivity, the mobile is available for several weeks in Phone & Phone. According to SFR, these devices imported from the United States.
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"Ms. Splosion Man" on Xbox Live Arcade

Spearheading the 2009 Summer Live Arcade for Xbox 360, Splosion Man had known explode codes game platforms and surprise the player with a gameplay simple but very effective. After Comic Jumper, as friendly but conventional, the bearded Twisted Pixel decided to follow up and a companion Splosion Man: thus was born Ms. Splosion Man.

Since scientists have managed to capture the poor Splosion Man, the eponymous hero of the game platform out two years ago, it now bears the heavy burden Madame do everything in its path SPLOS. If the last baby Twisted Pixel uses the mechanical eldest of her young, it does not offer a multiple number of novelties. Among these include for example the rails along which Ms. Splosion Man glides, the pink walls against which we can SPLOS at will, the explosive barrels that can change the plan or the various guns that recall barrels of Donkey Kong Country series. Of course, we meet also new enemies and bosses crazy. But even more than the addition of these elements, it is their combination that makes this suite a title even more crazy and more enjoyable.

With its level design perfectly controlled, Ms. Splosion Man is devilishly more rhythmic and the best players will feel able to literally fly over the levels as the various elements fit together and link together smoothly, but that does not provided an easy game. Without reaching the cruelty of a Super Meat Boy, Ms. Splosion Man is a die and retry demanding, and even more difficult than Splosion Man. Fortunately for the lows, it is always possible to zap a passage after several failures. However, complete all levels to discover all hidden pairs of shoes and flushing out all the secret exits require patience. At the fifty plus fifty solo multiplayer levels (four local or online), more focused on reflection. Height of luxury: it is possible to unlock a game mode for directing two Ms. Splosion Man with a single controller and then to try one at multi.

Do not spoil the creativity of the design level reflects on the graphics. If there is still only three worlds to discover, they are still much less worked and especially visually repetitive than the first game, which was still rather ugly. Ms. Splosion Man also wants to be a bit less linear, since it is possible to choose (a little) its way onto a world map that reminds Super Mario Bros. 3. Music more girly and sweet with aspartame may nevertheless offend. Some feel the effect too much soup and splosif clash with the gameplay of the title, no offense to his heroine supercharged. The sound environment is also more assured by the hysterical cries of Ms. Splosion Man, who spends his time singing the repertoire of Girl Power (Beyoncé Gwen Stefani via the Spice Girls) when it does not silly facial expressions. Yes, developers have gone further into delirium, and one need only account for a walk in the bonus or watch the tutorial.

8 / 10: very good. While Splosion Man banging already high both in the form (crazy world) and substance (splosif gameplay), Ms. Splosion Man surpasses her husband in style. Not content to integrate seamlessly with the original recipe, the news reinforces the concept without compromising the simplicity of the controls. Craziest, funniest, prettiest, but also more demanding than its predecessor, Ms. Splosion Man is a series inspired offering a great challenge to all those who had exploded Splosion Man: one hundred levels, pairs of shoes to recover, output secret to be discovered and a heroine hysterical. What SPLOS joy.
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Deutschland kritisch Gesichtserkennung Facebook


Constable der Privatsphäre von Hamburg, Deutschland, sagte in einer längeren Erklärung, dass die Gesichtserkennung von Facebook eingestellt sind im Gegensatz zu deutschem Recht verfügt. Für Johannes Caspar, Leiter der Agentur für den Schutz der Privatsphäre, hat Facebook nicht das Recht, biometrische Daten auf seinen Nutzern ohne Einholung ihrer Einwilligung zu sammeln.

Die größte soziale Netzwerk der Welt hatte diese Funktion Anfang Juni gemacht, nach einer Testphase und es wird automatisch erkennen, die Gesichter der Mitglieder des sozialen Netzwerks, und kombiniert automatisch die Bilder, um das Profil der Beteiligten. Allerdings können Benutzer wählen, um diese Funktion zu deaktivieren, wenn sie wollen.

Facebook, die zwei Wochen, um die Fragen der deutschen Agentur reagiert hat, stellt fest, dass diese Funktion mit der europäischen Gesetzgebung ist, und bekräftigt, dass sie gesperrt werden kann. Aber das Bundesland Hamburg, ist vor allem die Tatsache, dass Facebook biometrischen Daten speichert, ohne Einwilligung ist problematisch. Obwohl eine lokale Behörde hat Constable der Privatsphäre Hamburg weitreichende Befugnisse und können Bußgelder von mehreren hunderttausend verhängen.

Das Land Hamburg und Facebook hatte bereits im Januar kollidierte, wie das Unternehmen Bücher verwendet, um E-Mail-Adresse des neuen Nutzer.
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United States: "Enough about the debt, we must talk about jobs"

Barack Obama urged, Tuesday, August 2, Congress to address the economy and job creation, after the final adoption of a text to the Senate avoid a default in the United States while providing for reductions budget. The president quickly passed the agreement, just hours before the deadline set by the Treasury on Tuesday at midnight. Senators approved the text by 74 votes against 26, the day after its adoption in the House of Representatives by 269 votes against 161.

The threat of default is ruled out until at least 2013, Obama scolded Congress for having launched a war of trenches on deficits and public spending rather than focusing on unemployment. "We must do everything we can to grow this economy and put America to work, the president said. Everybody has to get started. It is only justice."

Worrying indicator

In the Senate, Majority Leader Democrat Harry Reid, echoed the president: "The number one job of Congress should be to create jobs for Americans." Mr Reid also announced that the first text that would address the Senate on his return from leave in September would be a bill on patents, which the Democrats hope to make job creation. On the side of the House of Representatives, the Democratic minority leader, Nancy Pelosi, hit hard by running: "Enough about the debt. We must talk about jobs."

The U.S. economy is indeed in bad shape, with an unemployment rate of 9.2% growth, low, 1.3%. And the latest indicators are not reassuring: household consumption fell by 0.2%, according to data released Tuesday in June (read the editorial of the World: "After the debt, the stagnation awaits Obama"). And markets were not soothed by the agreement on debt approved Tuesday night. The New York Stock Exchange ended down sharply: the Dow Jones lost 2.19% and the Nasdaq, 2.75%. Asian markets followed the same path at the opening Wednesday: Tokyo was down 1.42% and Hong Kong, 1.97%.


Tuesday, Moody's has raised its outlook from "stable" to "negative", saying that the measures passed do not necessarily sufficient to improve the state of U.S. public finances.

"This is not the deficit reduction plan that I wrote," said the Republican minority leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell, whose party would have liked more budget cuts. As for the Senate Democrats, Harry Reid said that a majority "believe that this arrangement is unfair because the rich have not helped." The text contains no tax increases, a point that Obama had to give in to pressure from Republicans. According to a poll CNN-Opinion Research poll, 60% of Americans disapprove of the fact that the text contains no tax increases for the wealthy.
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Low success for the domain names "sensitive"

More than 6000 requests from individuals or legal entities have been filed in one month to acquire Internet domain names so far banned as "" but also "", while the decree governing the new law was published Wednesday, August 3. A relatively low figure given the number of domain names put on the market (30 000).

In October, the Constitutional Council censored the 2004 law governing the allocation of Internet domain names and set the July 1 deadline to review the legislation. The decree detailing the changes was published Wednesday in the Official Journal.

Some 30 000 new words so far have been banned on the market: there are indiscriminately "camp de concentration", "Hitler," "xenophobia," "Nazism", "Koran", "Mosque" "union", "satan", "church", "slave" or "home-close". Since July 1, "more than 6100 applications were filed," said Mathieu Weill, executive director of the French Association for Internet Naming in cooperation (AFNIC), the Office of the official registration. Fr.


Any person "demonstrate a legitimate interest" in the terms of the decree - and having been the first to file his case - may be a buyer of these new names to develop a web site or linked addresses.

"The names of the most popular by far are terms like '', '', '' or ''. There are also some applications, largely minority, for ' ',' ',' ',' ',' 'or' ", summarized Mathieu Weill. For example, can ask "legitimate" name "" "someone with a business in the Internet industry, a person wanting to write a history of the Internet, or a person 's Internet calling ", he said.

For the names more "sensitive" for example relating to religion, "we must also justify a legitimate interest and act in good faith, but there is an additional reserve which says that a domain name may be refused if it can be breach public order ", said Mr. Weill. The decree stipulates that each office and registration should "report immediately" to the government "domain names registered or sought with an obviously unlawful or contrary to public order."
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Hosni Mubarak's trial will resume on August 15

The first day of trial of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was completed in early afternoon Wednesday, August 3 in Cairo. Less than six months after the fall of his regime, carried away by a popular revolt that has killed 840, according to an official report, Hosni Mubarak appeared in a landmark case for Egypt and the Arab world, which was broadcast live public television. The next hearing is set for Aug. 15.

The Rais fallen pleaded not guilty, categorically rejecting all charges against him. Mubarak has been accused of involvement in the killing of demonstrators and corruption.

"All these accusations, I deny them completely," he said. The former president appeared lying on a stretcher in a large cage with bars blacks in the police academy in the capital laid out in court. He remained in custody in a nearby hospital in the city until the next hearing, which he should attend, said the judge. Alaa and Gamal Mubarak, the son of former president accused of corruption, who appeared at his side, also pleaded not guilty.

The lawyers of Hosni Mubarak and his former interior minister, Habib El-Adli, have also asked as witness the head of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (AFSC), Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, who was for twenty years the minister of defense.

Outside the court, hundreds of people, including victims' families and journalists were gathered and followed the hearing on a giant screen. Supporters of former president clashed with his opponents in the early morning, and when the hearing was adjourned for a break.

Hosni Mubarak, who is aged 83 years and ruled Egypt for 30 years, is accused of conspiring to "commit premeditated murder and attempted murder against the participatnts in peaceful demonstrations in Egypt." He is accused of "inciting the police to take" the demonstrators or to "terrorize". If convicted, Mr. Mubarak is punishable by death.

His lawyer, Farid al-Dib, has argued that Mr. Mubarak is too ill to stand trial and has not authorized the brutal repression of demonstrators. Mr. Al-Dib assured that Mr. Mubarak had cancer and that last week he was in a coma, that the hospital where he was treated for heart problems denied. One of his doctors said he was in a relatively stable but he was weak because he refuses to eat, and is very depressed.


Before the trial, many Egyptians were skeptical to say his presence in the dock. Others accused the army, in power since his resignation, to aim to avoid "humiliation". But Wednesday morning, Hosni Mubarak left on board an ambulance, the hospital in Sharm el-Sheikh, where he remained confined in her room, in custody since April. He landed in the morning at the military airport of Almaza in Cairo. His son, as his wife Suzanne were held in Tora prison in Cairo.

Mubarak appeared alongside his former interior minister, Habib el-Adli, and six senior police officials. The trial will resume on Thursday July 4. The businessman Hussein Salem, a close Mubarak will, in turn, tried in absentia. All must answer charges of misappropriation of public money and killing of protesters during the revolt.
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The new Spider-Man is a young black and Latino Brooklyn

A new superhero was born Wednesday, August 3, launched by Marvel Comics publishing in the United States: it is a modernized version of Spider-Man, whose alter ego is now a teenager in New York mid -black and half Latino. In everyday life, the new Spider-Man Morales called Miles. He lives with his parents in the neighborhood of Brooklyn New York, at least when he is not busy chasing the bad guys in his red suit and blue.

The previous incarnation of Spider-Man, one of the comic hero whose popularity has never wavered, was Peter Parker, a white orphan originally from Queens, still in New York. But he was killed by his nemesis, the Green Goblin, in the June issue devoted to his adventures.

"When the opportunity arose to create a new Spider-Man, we knew it had to be a representative character, its origins and experiences, the diversity of the twenty-first century," said Axel Alonso, Editor Chief of Marvel, in a statement on the official website.

"The character of Miles follows the narrative tradition of characters like Peter Parker, but also shows that it is a new, unique, Spider-Man and it is worthy to be called," he added .

Axel Alonso told they had the idea of ​​changing the ethnic origin of Spider-Man when Barack Obama, whose father was African, acceded to the White House in January 2009. During the campaign, Barack Obama had also said that Batman and Spiderman were his two favorite superheroes because of their "inner turmoil".

But other proceeds before the change, it was still necessary that Marvel is the right opportunity. This is done with the death of Peter Parker. "To kill Spider-Man, it was necessary that we know who would replace him", said Axel Alonso, whose origins also played.

Her father is Mexican and her mother British, as the author of Spider-Man, Brian Michael Bendis, is Jewish and has two adopted children from Africa. "I know he made it a personal matter," said Dr. Alonso. "The theme is the same: a great power leads to great responsibilities," said Bian Michael Bendis to USA Today.

Spider-Man is a superhero's most popular on the planet. In March, a copy of the first comic book featuring his adventures, was released in 1962 and sold 12 cents at the time, was sold for $ 1.1 million at auction.
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Friday, July 29, 2011

Ramadan 2011

Ramadan 2011

This year the approximate date of the beginning of Ramadan 2011 is the first in August 2011. So we will be in summer and it will be very hot as temperatures approaching 30 degrees in France. Moreover, the days will be long, such as salat time Sobh the first day of Ramadan will be 4:32 in Paris and the Maghreb will be at 9:36 p.m..

The young of Ramadan is a pillar of Islam and is obligatory for every adult or pubescent. From dawn to sunset, Muslims abstain from eating, drinking or having sex with their husbands, which out of things during Ramadan are completely legal. In other words, during the month of Ramadan, the believer is deprived - from dawn to sunset - things that are normally lawful for him to get away from things that are illegal, with the aim of acquire piety.

Ramadan is the month of the Qur'an. Every year during this period, Djibril alayhi salat wa salam visited the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam to read the Koran

Find on the calendar for the month of Ramadan (Ramadan calendar 2011) and the hours of Ramadan 2011

Ramadan 2011 will start in 1 day, 8 hours, 41 minutes inshaAllah

According to Abu Hurairah (ra), Prophet (saas) said: "Whoever fasts Ramadan driven by his faith and hope of Divine reward, Allah forgives all his past sins" (Al Boukhary, Muslim)

Based on the lunar calendar, every year the first day of Ramadan fell by eleven days and the estimated date of Ramadan in 2011 is August 1

Ramadan in 2012 will be held from July 20 to August 19

Ramadan in 2013 will be held from July 9 to August 8

Ramadan in 2014 will be held from June 28 to July 28

Ramadan in 2015 will be held from June 18 to July 17
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

amy winehouse gestorben ... aber was?

Keine Spur von Drogen oder Alkohol wurden in der Wohnung des Sängers am Tag seines Todes ... und andere Neuigkeiten von Menschen gefunden.

Amy Winehouse: Dead ... aber was?

Das Geheimnis weiterhin um den Tod von Amy Winehouse. Eine Autopsie Montag konnte nicht zeigen, die spezifischen Ursachen des Todes, sondern Elemente von den britischen Behörden ergab, können lernen, ein wenig mehr. Der Stern war auf dem Weg der Besserung. Laut seinem Arzt, wir haben keine Spuren von Drogen oder Alkohol in der Analyse der Sängerin gefunden, durchgeführt Freitag. Die Aussage der Polizei steht in Einklang mit diesen Ansprüchen: Es gab keine Staffelung oder in der Nähe der Sänger im Haus, als Offiziere den Tod gefunden. Beweise für seine scheinbare gut in Form: der Tag vor der Tragödie, würde Nachbarn über die Sängerin beschwert haben, das Streben spät in die Nacht auf seinem neuen Hof. Nur wenige Stunden vor der grausigen Entdeckung war es mit seinem Leibwächter trafen sich die Diva. Es war jetzt 10 Uhr in der Früh, bevor Amy Winehouse vielleicht das Gefühl, sitzt in seinem Zimmer. Forever.

Bixente Lizarazu, eine Wette auf die Haare

"Ich werde laufen nackt durch die Gänge des Hotel Royal Evian, wenn TG steigt in Ligue 1", hatte Bixente Lizarazu anvertraut Dauphiné Libéré. Ein Jahr später hat der Verein der Haute-Savoie die Elite der Französisch Fußball verbunden. Und Sport Berater für TF1 nicht beten. Der ehemalige Verteidiger hat in den Fluren des Hotels, in Evian entfernt, mit einem einfachen Zeichen ETG (Evian-Thonon-Gaillard), um seine Geschlechtsteile zu verbergen tummelten.

Alert in Las Vegas!

David Hasselhoff spielt den großen Jungs ... mit seiner neuen Freundin, Hayley Roberts! Nachdem er schwer geschlagen, mussten sie durch die Sicherheit des Hotels in Las Vegas, wo sie waren voneinander getrennt werden. Ein paar Stunden später feierte das Paar 59 Jahre munter der Star Baywatch in der Gesellschaft von ein paar Freunden. Hasselhoff hat in der Folge kommentiert seine Twitter, als ob nichts geschehen wäre: "Tonight, es heiß ist in Las Vegas! "Es wird sich nicht wundern, wenn eines Tages seine Freundin, die Bruchstücke werden ...
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Britische Sängerin Amy Winehouse ist tot

Britische Sängerin Amy Winehouse, 27 Jahre alt, tot in seinem Haus in London Samstag 23 Juli gefunden, sagte die britische Polizei.

"Die Polizei von der Londoner Rettungsdienst wurden, um eine Adresse in Camden Square genannt kurz vor 16 h 05 (15 h 05 GMT), fand nach Berichten über eine Frau tot", sagte Polizei in einer Erklärung. "Bei der Ankunft fanden Polizisten die Leiche eines 27 Jahre alten Frau, deren Tod auf der Stelle erklärt worden. Die Untersuchung der Umstände des Todes weiter. In diesem Stadium der Untersuchungen ist es gilt als ungeklärt, "hinzugefügt.

Die Soul-Sängerin, 27 Jahre alt, kämpfte seit mehreren Jahren mit Problemen mit Alkohol und Drogen. Sie war vor kurzem von einem Reha entlassen.


Es war im Juni alle seine Europa-Tournee nach einem katastrophalen Konzert in Belgrad, Serbien, wo sie von 20.000 Menschen, unfähig, seine eigenen Lieder zu singen hatte ausgebuht abgesagt.

Amy Winehouse sang in diesem Sommer in Spanien in Bilbao, Schweiz Locarno und Nyon, Festival von Lucca in Italien, Wiesen, Österreich, Polen, Istanbul und Athen. Im vergangenen Oktober war die Sängerin angeblich gewann das Medikament seit 3 ​​Jahren haben.

Fünf Grammy Awards

Nach Erhalt Kritikerlob für ihr Debütalbum Frank im Jahr 2003 hat Amy Winehouse vor allem im Jahr 2006 von seiner zweiten (und letzten) Album, Back to black und das Lied Rehab beobachtet. Das Album gewann fünf Grammy Awards im Jahr 2008, dem prestigeträchtigsten American Music Award, darunter für das beste neue Künstler und bestes Album. Aber Amy Winehouse konnte nicht an der Zeremonie in Los Angeles wegen rechtlicher Probleme.

Im Jahr 2007 gewann sie auch den Brit Award für Best British Female Artist. Back to Black rangierte meistverkauften Alben weltweit in der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2008.
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Friday, July 22, 2011

Skyting og bombing mordere OSLO Norge

Disse to angrep, et mot regjeringens hovedkvarter i Oslo, den andre på politisk rally, ble koordinert av norsk politi. Minst 17 ​​personer har dødd.

Glass overalt, en stor sky av røyk, de sårede og døde alvorlig: bildene kringkastet på fjernsyn etter bombeeksplosjon i sentrum av Oslo umiddelbart viste effektene av en voldsom eksplosjon. Hun gjorde minst syv dødsfall og elleve alvorlige skader.

Ifølge medieoppslag, kan det være en bilbombe eksploderte utenfor regjeringen bygningen hvor kontorene inkludert statsminister Jens Stoltenberg. Det var ikke på kontoret hans og ble ikke skadet. Uttaler på norsk TV, uttrykte han sin bekymring: ". Situasjonen er alvorlig" "Selv om vi er godt forberedt, er det fortsatt ganske dramatisk når det skjer," la han til.

Mange mennesker, ifølge vitner, ble påvirket av rusk og glass som eksploderte. Alle vinduer i nærliggende bygninger ble blåst av eksplosjonen.

Benjamin Cutmore, en journalist som jobber i avisen VG, Norge største tabloid, var rett overfor regjeringen bygningen da eksplosjonen inntraff. Han fortalte BBC hva han så: "Det er folk som hoppet fra bygningen, var det minst førti mennesker lå på bakken," legger han til. Han sa at eksplosjonen ble følt 25 km unna: "En venn fortalte meg at hans bygging, 20 miles fra sentrum, har blitt rystet."

"Jeg ser vinduene i byggingen av VG og setet for regjeringen brøt ut. Folk lå i blodet på gaten, "sa en annen journalist på stedet. Ambulanser, politi og militært personell er på stedet.

Flere dødsfall på et rally i utkanten av Oslo

Samtidig var det en skuddveksling i et møte med unge Arbeiderpartiet som har minst "ni eller 10 døde", politiet sa. Norske medier er selv snakker om 20 eller 25 mennesker døde. Statsministeren var opprinnelig planlagt å reise lørdag til rally, en helg med camping der det var 560 unge alderen 14 til 18 år. Skytteren, en norsk stor og massiv, ble arrestert. "Han var iført en blå genser med et emblem av politiet," sa talsmann for Oslo-politiet er Fsrykohlm, intervjuet av CNN fjernsyn. Denne personen er knyttet til bombing, bekreftet han.

Norsk politi har bekreftet at dette samordnede angrep, selv om årsakene og sponsorer ikke er kjent. BarackObama U. S. president uttrykte sin kondolanse og ringte for kampen mot terrorisme, mens Frankrikes president Nicolas Sarkozy fordømmer "en avskyelig handling og uakseptabelt."

Alle gatene i sentrum ble blokkert av hæren. Statsministeren har oppfordret folk "ikke å hull opp i frykt for angrep", men landet er i sjokk. Norge, et medlem av NATO, har vært i det siste målet for islamistiske trusselen, særlig på grunn av sitt engasjement i Afghanistan og Libya.

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Oslo norway, the site of the explosion before and after

The bomb that exploded in mid-afternoon in downtown Oslo targeted government buildings. A photograph taken shortly after the explosion shows the violence of the bomb.

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Oslo Norway attacks:Dozens killed in two attacks in Norway

Explosion near the prime minister caused damage to a large

    Dozens were killed in the bombing of government buildings including the prime minister in the Norwegian capital Oslo on Friday, followed by an armed attack on a youth camp near the city, prompting authorities to take extraordinary security measures, while the motives of the attackers is still unclear.

Police - which confirmed that there is a link between the attacks - A bomb exploded near the office of prime minister and ministries in the heart of Oslo, killing at least nine people and wounded dozens. Furthermore, the explosion caused material damage to buildings.

The Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, who was not in his office the moment of the explosion, it did not hurt one of the members of the government, saying that the police asked him not to reveal its location.

He was scheduled to visit the youth summer camp Stoltenberg of the Labour Party's ruling was later shot sign outside the capital, dozens of dead and wounded, according to the Norwegian media.

Stoltenberg said before a crisis meeting at the Ministry of Defence on Friday evening that it was to say whether the blast, which struck the headquarters of his government's act of terrorism.

Synchronize two attacks

And Al-Jazeera correspondent Ammar Hamdan that a large force of army and police deployed in Oslo, and campaigns were carried out searches at the entrances of the city and outside in anticipation of new attacks.

At the same time, police asked people staying at home, and not to participate in any rallies.

The Al Jazeera reporter has quoted after the blast, security sources had been found on the charred car at the scene, which is likely to be used in the attack. The agency said that "ITP" The explosion probably took place between the Prime Minister's Office and the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy.

In addition to government offices, also damaged the offices of the newspaper "in G" People said, according to Norwegian media.

While security forces were moving to avoid other possible attacks, an attacker fired at least one dressed as police opened fire on a summer youth camp on the island of Otoya at a distance of thirty kilometers northwest of Oslo.

The Norwegian media on Friday, quoting witnesses as they saw the bodies of twenty people were killed in the shooting of the camp, which was attended by about seven hundred young man, while police reported that at least ten were killed in this attack.

Police said they arrested the attacker, who was wearing a police uniform, and confirmed later that the link to the bombing that hit Oslo.

Motivated targeting

Authorities did not refer to specific drivers of the two concurrent, and it seemed prudent in mind the act of terrorism.

It was not clear whether Prime Minister target of the bombing, which targeted the seat of government, then who will visit the camp.

The Al-Jazeera correspondent in Oslo, Norway to participate to the military operations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Afghanistan has not received any threats in the past.

For his part, noted journalist asked thalamic connection with the island from Oslo to threats by Islamic Iraqi Kurdish leader Mullah Krekar, against the Norwegian government after the warrant was issued against him stopped on the 12th of this month.

Mahadi said that Krekar, Norway threatened to target if deported to Iraq.

International positions

In the context of international reaction, he called for U.S. President Barack Obama of the world to enhance cooperation to combat terrorism.

Obama said at a news conference after a meeting in Washington, President of New Zealand John Key had not received information on the nature of the attacks, which occurred in Norway.

For his part, the European Union condemned the attacks, describing them cowardly act. It also condemned by NATO Secretary General Anders Rasmussen, and are described Balbgbin.

News reports said earlier Friday that Denmark's neighboring Norway has mobilized its security in anticipation of attacks may target.

Source: Al Jazeera + agencies
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Thursday, July 21, 2011

the amazing spider man trailer-Official Trailer 2012 HD

Watch The Amazing Spider-Man 2012 trailers and video clips

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

earthquake in japan:Why the Earth is shaking she still in Japan?

A magnitude 7 earthquake struck on Sunday, July 10 northeast of Japan, which had already been devastated by an earthquake and a devastating tsunami on March 11.

Why the Earth is shaking she still in Japan?

To simplify, we can say that Japan is made to be seismic. This huge island chain is located right on the border of four tectonic plates (see diagram below): the Pacific plate (light pink), the North American plate (purple), the Eurasian plate (in green) and the Philippine plate (in pink).

The Pacific plate, which moves rapidly to the west (more than 8 cm per year), sinks under the other: this is called a subduction. Subduction zones result in the largest earthquakes that are, but also by intense volcanism. The Japanese archipelago is located elsewhere on the Pacific Ring of Fire, a huge arc of more than 450 volcanoes that made ​​all around the Pacific, from Patagonia to Alaska and Kamchatka to New Zealand. If, in Japan, is best known Mount Fuji, inactive for three centuries, we must not forget that dozens of other volcanoes exist in the country, as Shinmoedake whose recent eruption, in January, has been dramatic as shown in the video below:

What were the biggest earthquakes in Japanese history?

If one takes into account the magnitude, the earthquake of Friday, March 11 is the largest in the history of Japan with a magnitude of 8.9. For comparison, the magnitude of the deadly earthquake in Kobe on 16 January 1995 was "only" 6.9. Until now, the earthquake was the most intense, according to the USGS website, that of June 15, 1896, with a magnitude of 8.5. This caused a massive tsunami (there is talk of a wave 25 meters high) that devastated the port of Sanriku and killed 22,000 people. To date, the most deadly earthquake ever recorded in Japan is the 1st September 1923 who, according to sources, a magnitude ranging from 7.9 to 8.3. Nearly 700,000 homes were destroyed in the area of ​​Tokyo and Yokohama and about 143 000 people lost their lives in this natural disaster.

How does the Richter scale?

From the measurement of seismic waves recorded by seismographs, we calculate the magnitude of the earthquake, that is to say, its amplitude and the energy was released during the phenomenon. The Richter scale is logarithmic so-called, not linear, meaning that a difference of one point corresponds to an amplitude 10 times and an energy release about thirty times more! Thus, an earthquake of magnitude 6 is it equivalent to the explosion of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima (15 kilotons of TNT) and an earthquake of magnitude 7 passes to 474 kilotons of TNT). An earthquake with a magnitude of 8.9, like today, is equivalent to the explosion of 336 million tons of TNT.

In theory, the scale is open but never recorded an earthquake with a magnitude greater than 9.5, which is the 1960 earthquake in Chile, which caused a massive tsunami killed more than 2,000 people. It is generally believed that an earthquake is felt from a magnitude of 3 or 4 (tens of thousands of events per year on average). From 6, the earthquake is considered strong. Earthquakes of magnitude 8 or greater are generally infrequent but devastating (one per year). Thus, in the first decade of the century, 13 of these natural disasters have they been identified.

What is the danger of an earthquake?

Simply put, "the most dangerous earthquakes are those closest to where people live and not necessarily those with the largest magnitude, said Nikolai Shapiro, director of research at CNRS and head of the team seismology at the Institute of earth Physics in Paris. Therefore, an earthquake occurs on the fault of a big city will do more damage, as was the case during the earthquake in Kobe in 1995. Its magnitude was 6.9, two points less than today's earthquake, which is huge, but it has produced more deaths because of flaws in the city was activated. "

Why do we often fires after an earthquake?

When the great Japanese earthquake of 1923, many houses were destroyed by fire. This reflects the fact that the earthquake took place at noon, when many fires were lit in the kitchen to prepare lunch. Similarly, the great earthquake of 1906 in San Francisco was marked by severe fires, mainly attributed to the rupture of gas pipelines. There are the shorts to the list of causes of fire outbreaks.

Is there a link between the earthquake and that of New Zealand from 22 February or the eruption of Shinmoedake?

"There is no scientific reason to talk about a possible link with the earthquake in New Zealand or the volcanic eruption. However, there has been a clear precursor of the earthquake two days ago, March 9th. There was an earthquake of magnitude 7.2 in exactly the same area, which was followed by several aftershocks 9 and March 10. A tsunami warning was even launched. Today we know that this was the precursor of a larger earthquake, the beginning of the destabilization of the fault. But we can not generalize because if often earthquakes of 7.2, they are rarely followed by earthquakes of 8.9 ... "

South Korea may she something?

[Question of Internet] The tsunami wave propagated like a falling stone in water, which is in western Japan (including Korea) can not be touched because the archipelago Japanese is actually a shield. Here is a model of the tsunami's progress:

Obviously, Hawaii, the wave was higher than 3 feet, slightly less than one meter.

How is a tsunami?

In an undersea earthquake, the floor abruptly deforms the ocean, which has the effect of a wave train (see diagram below). This is not the sea that moves, but just this wave, much like the "ola" in a football stadium: the spectators are just getting up and sitting down one after the other, they are not being run around the stadium.

Offshore, the wave is not necessarily a great height. Although the tsunami travels fast, its wavelength is so large that the wave is often overlooked boats that are on it. It is said also that the word "tsunami" (which means, in Japanese, harbor wave) was invented by fishermen at sea, had not noticed anything and they were returning to port devastated. When it comes close to land where the seabed rises, the wave is slowed and compressed, which makes it mechanically gain height, much like a piece of paper which brings the edges. For a short time, the sea withdrew from the beaches, as drawn back by the wave and surf, with a power such that nothing can stop, if not the landforms. For this reason, when a tsunami warning, it is recommended that residents of higher ground.

How far does this go to the tsunami on March 11?

In the open ocean, the tsunami wave is moving very quickly because speed is of the order of several hundred kilometers per hour. Both the terrestrial relief is able to stop quickly enough because the coast acts as a natural barrier, as its alleviation will be slower in the open ocean. According to Nikolai Shapiro, "the tsunami of today will be recorded by tide gauges around the Pacific Ocean, perhaps even to Chile."

The wave will therefore necessarily French Polynesia, but the question is whether its amplitude is a few centimeters to a few feet or more ... "A series of waves is likely to affect all of French Polynesia, with risks of wave height different from place to place," warned the High Commission of the Republic in Papeete.
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The international finals of Imagine Cup 2011 begins in New York

For the ninth consecutive year, Microsoft is about to close its Imagine Cup competition. Each issue is divided into several stages. Thus, each participating country makes its own final before winning teams meet in a unique destination that changes every year. For Imagine Cup 2011, several hundred students gathered in New York.

This is the first time in history that the finals of the competition takes place on American soil. Here are a few figures of previous years:

* 2003, Barcelona, ​​Spain: 1000 students from 25 countries, 15 finalists
* 2004, Sao Paulo, Brazil: 10 000 students from 90 countries, 50 finalists
* 2005, Yokohama, Japan: 30 000 students from 97 countries, 86 finalists
* 2006, Delhi, India: 68,000 students from over 100 countries, 76 finalists
* 2007, Seoul, South Korea: more than 100,000 students from 126 countries, 120 finalists
* 2008, Paris, France: more than 200,000 students from 124 countries, 124 finalists
* 2009 Cairo, Egypt: More than 300,000 students from over 140 countries, 143 finalists
* 2010, Warsaw, Poland: more than 325,000 students from over 140 countries, 122 finalists

And this year? More than 350,000 students from 183 countries.

The national finals have selected the best projects which all contribute here in New York to win trophies and prizes that accompany them. Putting the dishes in the large, Microsoft has brought together hundreds of finalists in the Marriott Marquis in Manhattan in the heart of Times Square. The number of students and various people around the contest is as much of the hotel is reserved by Microsoft: 450 students, 100 judges, 86 menor, 140 journalists and staff of the publisher.

We are on hand to cover the event and to present a maximum of competing projects, whether winners or not. We spend so time with teams from around the world, including Algeria, Armenia, Australia, Bangladesh, Bosnia / Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Greece, Iraq, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Russia, Sri Lanka, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, and of course ... France and the United States.

We remind you also that five teams participating in the tri international final:

* Geekologics in the category of Game Design Phone Windows 7, with their title Brainergy
Dream'n'Touch * in the Software Design category, with their proposed digital schoolbag eBakPak
* Close World Mobile Game Design in the category of Windows 7 Phone, with their title Hilomi
* Give Me 4 in the Embedded Development category, with their project Link TV
* India Rose, in the category Windows 7 Touch with their project to help autistic children

Teams that we followed during the Boot Camp and then to the French final of Imagine Cup. In the coming hours, a welcoming ceremony will take place before the competition really starts tomorrow, during which Steve Ballmer will be present. The first day will be long and will run from 11 to 21:00. A crucial step in which juries composed of teachers, professionals, and other Microsoft executives will prune fairly brutal. In the showpiece Software Design, the first day will increase the number of teams from 62 to only 18.

During the next few days we shall be issuing a series of articles with dozens of projects. As you can see, the originality and ideas have no use of GDP and ranking of global powers.
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Firefox 6: Klassische und Mobile-Versionen verfügbar in beta

Firefox 6: Klassische und Mobile-Versionen verfügbar in beta

Mit ein paar Tage zu spät, hat Mozilla die Beta von Firefox 6 freigegeben. Das Pre-Release ist für diejenigen, die den neuen Browser, ohne auf die endgültige Version, ohne sich auf die Gefahren von Aurora, desto instabiler testen wollen. Es ist auch eine Chance für den Editor, um eine neue Beta für seine Firefox Mobile vorzuschlagen.

Die Verbesserungen sind eher funktional als jene in Aurora 7 vorgeschlagen, aber die Performance-Verbesserungen, einschließlich Speichernutzung, sind noch nicht da. Die folgenden neuen Funktionen:

* Die Fähigkeit zu überprüfen, ob Sie die neuesten Versionen haben direkt von den Erweiterungs-Manager
* Panorama: starten Sie den Browser schneller nicht das Laden der gespeicherten Gruppe von Registerkarten
* Hervorhebung der Domain in der Adresszeile
* Eine Infotafel über die Identität der Website überprüft und klarer
* Scratchpad schnell schreiben und zu testen JavaScript-Code direkt in Firefox
* Die Rückkehr der Unterstützung WebSockets
* Eine Web-Konsole kann verschoben werden
* Neues Menü speziell für Web-Entwickler
* Das Management API Window.matchMedia
* Unterstützung für Ereignisse von Servern an

Es ist damit auch eine neue Beta-Version von Firefox Mobile für Android. Die neuen Features sind auch von Bedeutung:

* Schnellerer Start
* Geringer Stromverbrauch von RAM
* Ausbau der Bilder in höherer Qualität
* Verbesserte Benutzerfreundlichkeit auf den Regalen
* Verbesserungen auf die Hilfe beim Ausfüllen von Formularen
* Neues Thema mehr im Einklang mit Gingerbread (Android 2.3)
* Einige Optimierungen für die Darstellung von Seiten mit von rechts nach links
* Management von taktilen Ereignisse
* Management IndexedDB
* Automatische Silbentrennung

Die finalen Versionen von Firefox und Firefox Mobile 6 wird in wenigen Wochen zur Verfügung


* Windows
* Mac OS X
* Linux
* Mobile für Android

Information Quelle: Mozilla
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Firefox 6: Classical and Mobile versions available in beta

Firefox 6: Classical and Mobile versions available in beta

With a few days late, Mozilla has released the beta of Firefox 6. This pre-release is for those who wish to test the new browser without waiting for the final version, without embarking on the dangers of Aurora, more unstable. It is also an opportunity for the editor to propose a new beta for its Firefox Mobile.

The improvements are more functional than those proposed in Aurora 7, but the performance enhancements, including memory usage, are not there yet. The following new features:

* The ability to verify that you have the latest versions directly from the extensions manager
* Panorama: launch the browser faster by not loading the saved group of tabs
* Highlighting the domain in the address bar
* An information panel of the identity of the site reviewed and clearer
* Scratchpad to quickly write and test JavaScript code directly in Firefox
* The return of support WebSockets
* A Web console can be moved
* New menu specifically for web developers
* The management API Window.matchMedia
* Support for events sent from servers

It is thus also a new beta of Firefox Mobile for Android. The new features are also more significant:

* Faster startup
* Low power consumption of RAM
* Expansion of higher quality images
* Improved user experience on shelves
* Improvements on help in filling out forms
* New theme more in line with Gingerbread (Android 2.3)
* Some optimizations for rendering pages using ranging from right to left
* Management of tactile events
* Management IndexedDB
* Automatic hyphenation

The final versions of Firefox and Firefox Mobile 6 will be available in a few weeks


Information Source: Mozilla
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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Copa América 2011 Grupo A: Argentina vs Colombia 7-7-2011

Copa América 2011 Grupo A: Argentina vs Colombia Previa

Estadio Brigadier, Santa Fe - Después de un comienzo tartamudez contra Bolivia en la noche del viernes, Argentina buscará a recoger a un triunfo vital sobre Colombia esta noche en la Copa América. Argentina es el favorito 02.05 para el partido con Stan James. Colombia es 9.1 con Coral para llevarse los tres puntos. bet365 ir 02.07 en el sorteo.

Argentina necesitaba un gol espectacular a finales de Sergio Agüero en la noche del viernes para evitar una derrota día de la apertura de pequeños peces Bolivia como su Copa tuvo un comienzo decepcionante. Los anfitriones esperan tener su primera victoria del torneo ya que se enfrentan los primeros líderes del grupo Colombia. A pesar de su decepcionante actuación en el primer partido del torneo, Sergio Batista se ha resistido a la tentación de mezclar su mochila y se alinean con prácticamente los mismos XI. El cambio se ve Pablo Zabaleta reemplazar Marco Rojo como lateral derecho.

Colombia es considerado como uno de los equipos más fuertes en la competencia fuera de la elite tradicional y son uno de los caballos oscuros para el torneo. Lado de Hernán Darío Gómez ha hecho un buen inicio a su campaña de Copa América, el sábado, recogiendo una victoria de 1-0 sobre el hombre diez Costa Rica. Los Cafeteros ahora tendrá que esperar para recoger un buen resultado contra los favoritos del torneo para garantizar los cuartos de final a luz y se dan una oportunidad para encabezar el grupo.

Argentina es 1.6 con Betfred para ganar el partido por un gol a cero o 9 1 / con Betred para recoger una victoria de 2-1. Colombia es 20 / 1 en Paddy Power para registrar una nueva victoria de 1-0 con 2-1 a los visitantes una oportunidad 40 / 1 en Skybet. Stan James ofrece 12 / 1 en un empate 1-1.

Todos los de los últimos once partidos de Colombia han tenido menos de tres goles y menos de 2,5 goles esta noche es el mismo dinero con el cuadrado azul. Los apostantes esperando un juego de alta puntuación puede realizar copias de más de 2.5 goles en 19/20 con bet365 o más de 3,5 a 12 / 5, con William Hill. Boylesports ir 11.04 en menos de dos goles que anotó en el encuentro.

Barcelona, ​​Lionel Messi es el favorito para abrir el marcador, en un mejor precio de 07.02 con William Hill. Delantero del Manchester City Carlos Tevez es 4 / 1 para romper el punto muerto en Paddy Power, mientras que Ezequiel Lavezzi es una inyección 5.1 con Betfred. Porto delantero Radamel Falcao es una oportunidad superior de Colombia para anotar el primer partido a las 11 / 1 con William Hill.

Argentina siguen siendo los favoritos para el Grupo A en la parte superior un mejor precio de 2.5 en Betfair y 10.11 para ganar la competencia con Paddy Power. Colombia es 11 / 4 a liderar el grupo con Betfred y 35 / 1 para ganar el torneo de Betfair.
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Friday, July 1, 2011

Nadal ousts Murray -faces Djokovic in the final of Wimbledon

And out of the tennis player Rafael Nadal journey to defend his title in the British Open (Wimbledon) of the total prize money of $ 24 million by reaching the final of the tournament after beating Britain's Andy Murray, seeded fourth, 5 / 7 and 6 / 2 and 6 / 2, 6 / 4 Friday in the semifinals of the tournament.

And Serbian Novak Djokovic won the long-awaited dream and kill two birds with one stone after qualifying for the finals for the first time and his ascension to the top of the rankings of the ATP.

Nadal became the tournament's first step away from winning the title for the third time in the last four seasons where He has won the title in 2008 and 2010.

Meet Nadal in the final match of the tournament on Sunday with Djokovic, seeded second and who qualified to the final by winning 7 / 6 (7 / 4) and 6 / 2 and 6 / 7 (9 / 11) and 6 / 3 Frenchman Jo-Wilfried Tsonga earlier in the day in the second game semi-final as a player jumped to the top of the rankings in the new version to be issued by the World Association of Professional on Monday.

And shattered the dream of Murray and Nadal ousted him to put himself in the face of new revenge with Djokovic.

Nadal seeks to avenge the Serbian opponent in the final after Djokovic extracted the top of the rankings of the professional will also be a match between them the day after tomorrow is the fifth between them this season, note that the previous four encounters all ended in favor of the Serbian star.

Nadal and has a superiority in the total number of clashes with Djokovic, where he has won 16 times in the previous 27 games between them.

Murray and failed again to become the first Briton crowned Wimbledon 75 years ago.

The Spaniard was happy to qualify for the finals even though he expressed sympathy with Murray.

Nadal said, "I feel sad for the exit of Murray, he deserved to play in the final. The defeat of a difficult day for him but I wish him the best of the best in the remainder of the year."

"We need to deliver great performance and appearance my best to overcome it because it was the only way. The Murray performed well in the beginning of the game but it was bad luck."

And the superiority of Djokovic in the rankings to Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer, who reaped 26 of the championship titles in the "Grand Slam" four major sports over the Msertehma by ten titles to 16 for Nadal and Federer.

If the resolution of Djokovic / 24 years / the final match in his favor, it would score his third title in the championships, "Grand Slam" Big Four.

Djokovic said, "Every child has a dream to be trying to achieve .. we live on such hopes."

Progress Djokovic Australian Open title in 2008 and 2011, beating Tsonga and Murray, respectively, in the final each of the tournaments.

He said Djokovic, "I have the support of huge family and everyone around me and helped me achieve this dream, the dream of my life .. I started my mountains in a small town (his father owns a shop making sandwiches pizza) and then continued training of tennis in the Serbian capital Belgrade, even though the game were not given very popular in Belgrade at the time. "

"It was not easy to maintain this desire and trust yourself. But I was careful to always fulfill my dream as it was all around me are keen to support me and support me. Therefore, succeeded in reaching my dream here."

He admitted Djokovic, "during the two or three years past, it was difficult for me when I lose such important games in the finals to Federer and Nadal .. but I trust myself always. I ask myself sometimes why, but I exceeded this period because my confidence was very strong ".

He added, "Nadal, Federer and others helped me to develop my level through the level of wonderful because I was always working on access to the best I can."

Serbian player said, "What is the most important check on my achievements and wonderful days of my life and my sports. Saved the sport by 100 percent .. when you know you Stillh best in the world and reach the final of courage concealing favorite, it is something very special."
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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Visa Europe is preparing to test micro SD cards for contactless payment

The operator will offer credit card new micro SD card to convert a regular phone in an NFC phone. This is after him for a temporary solution, pending the democratization of smartphones NFC. But for others, this could add even more confusion in an already complex market.

One more! After the phones with a SIM card for the Near Field Communication NFC (Near Field Communication), those who board a secure element and an operating system suitable for contactless payments, NFC tags, and Visa and Mastercard Contactless, Visa Europe is preparing to introduce a new payment technology in mobile NFC.

A micro SD card brand DeviceFidelity, including the payment application and the NFC secure element, will soon be offered to 500 clients des Banques Populaires and Caisses d'Epargne in Nice and Strasbourg. This little card integrated with a suitable case the phone will pay for purchases of less than 20 euros with three types of terminals that are not "natively" NFC: iPhone (3G and 3G), the Galaxy Samsung , and RIM's Blackberry Bold. And without PIN - by simply passing the phone to the terminal.

According to Visa and BPCE, this is a transitional phase, "pending a next step that will natively integrate NFC into mobile." Transitional stage in addition to the distribution of 200,000 cards to contactless payment as part of the experiment Nice.

But for others, it is not the right solution. "To convince the public, it's clear that systems natively embedded in the phones are better accessories that require extra effort," said Laetitia Gazel Anthoine-CEO Connecthings, a startup specializing in Paris without contact.

With or without operators

The approach is also inconsistent with the objectives of the project Cityzi worn by the French Association of contactless mobile (AFSCM), the major operators and banks, is Jean-François Novak, co-founder and president of Adelia, a start Toulouse-up specialist loyalty card and mobile: "The development model is recommended for Cityzi SIM-centric, that is to say focused on the SIM card, with the operator holding the tollgate" .

In contrast, the security modules used in the new NFC phones shipping the operating system Google's Android "escape, according to Jean-François Novak, control of the SIM card, so the operators." The same applies to the new micro SD card tested by Visa and BPCE, which may "lock the ecosystem by an external secure."

This is not surprising. "You have from the beginning three major areas that interact but are not always convergent interests, says Jean-François Novak. Banks, operators, and businesses in retail, all have in common to be in contact with virtually all the French. and hope to have all hands on the new systems. "

Still, from the point of view that Connecthings Adelya, considering that the battle is not technology but more about the play uses. "Upon arrival, those who win are those who will arrive to offer additional services to be of interest to customers, such as loyalty cards", says Laetitia Gazel-Anthoine. Google has understood: "He is not interested in transactions, but the point of sale, where it will offer discounts ..."
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