Friday, July 22, 2011

Skyting og bombing mordere OSLO Norge

Disse to angrep, et mot regjeringens hovedkvarter i Oslo, den andre på politisk rally, ble koordinert av norsk politi. Minst 17 ​​personer har dødd.

Glass overalt, en stor sky av røyk, de sårede og døde alvorlig: bildene kringkastet på fjernsyn etter bombeeksplosjon i sentrum av Oslo umiddelbart viste effektene av en voldsom eksplosjon. Hun gjorde minst syv dødsfall og elleve alvorlige skader.

Ifølge medieoppslag, kan det være en bilbombe eksploderte utenfor regjeringen bygningen hvor kontorene inkludert statsminister Jens Stoltenberg. Det var ikke på kontoret hans og ble ikke skadet. Uttaler på norsk TV, uttrykte han sin bekymring: ". Situasjonen er alvorlig" "Selv om vi er godt forberedt, er det fortsatt ganske dramatisk når det skjer," la han til.

Mange mennesker, ifølge vitner, ble påvirket av rusk og glass som eksploderte. Alle vinduer i nærliggende bygninger ble blåst av eksplosjonen.

Benjamin Cutmore, en journalist som jobber i avisen VG, Norge største tabloid, var rett overfor regjeringen bygningen da eksplosjonen inntraff. Han fortalte BBC hva han så: "Det er folk som hoppet fra bygningen, var det minst førti mennesker lå på bakken," legger han til. Han sa at eksplosjonen ble følt 25 km unna: "En venn fortalte meg at hans bygging, 20 miles fra sentrum, har blitt rystet."

"Jeg ser vinduene i byggingen av VG og setet for regjeringen brøt ut. Folk lå i blodet på gaten, "sa en annen journalist på stedet. Ambulanser, politi og militært personell er på stedet.

Flere dødsfall på et rally i utkanten av Oslo

Samtidig var det en skuddveksling i et møte med unge Arbeiderpartiet som har minst "ni eller 10 døde", politiet sa. Norske medier er selv snakker om 20 eller 25 mennesker døde. Statsministeren var opprinnelig planlagt å reise lørdag til rally, en helg med camping der det var 560 unge alderen 14 til 18 år. Skytteren, en norsk stor og massiv, ble arrestert. "Han var iført en blå genser med et emblem av politiet," sa talsmann for Oslo-politiet er Fsrykohlm, intervjuet av CNN fjernsyn. Denne personen er knyttet til bombing, bekreftet han.

Norsk politi har bekreftet at dette samordnede angrep, selv om årsakene og sponsorer ikke er kjent. BarackObama U. S. president uttrykte sin kondolanse og ringte for kampen mot terrorisme, mens Frankrikes president Nicolas Sarkozy fordømmer "en avskyelig handling og uakseptabelt."

Alle gatene i sentrum ble blokkert av hæren. Statsministeren har oppfordret folk "ikke å hull opp i frykt for angrep", men landet er i sjokk. Norge, et medlem av NATO, har vært i det siste målet for islamistiske trusselen, særlig på grunn av sitt engasjement i Afghanistan og Libya.

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Oslo norway, the site of the explosion before and after

The bomb that exploded in mid-afternoon in downtown Oslo targeted government buildings. A photograph taken shortly after the explosion shows the violence of the bomb.

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Oslo Norway attacks:Dozens killed in two attacks in Norway

Explosion near the prime minister caused damage to a large

    Dozens were killed in the bombing of government buildings including the prime minister in the Norwegian capital Oslo on Friday, followed by an armed attack on a youth camp near the city, prompting authorities to take extraordinary security measures, while the motives of the attackers is still unclear.

Police - which confirmed that there is a link between the attacks - A bomb exploded near the office of prime minister and ministries in the heart of Oslo, killing at least nine people and wounded dozens. Furthermore, the explosion caused material damage to buildings.

The Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, who was not in his office the moment of the explosion, it did not hurt one of the members of the government, saying that the police asked him not to reveal its location.

He was scheduled to visit the youth summer camp Stoltenberg of the Labour Party's ruling was later shot sign outside the capital, dozens of dead and wounded, according to the Norwegian media.

Stoltenberg said before a crisis meeting at the Ministry of Defence on Friday evening that it was to say whether the blast, which struck the headquarters of his government's act of terrorism.

Synchronize two attacks

And Al-Jazeera correspondent Ammar Hamdan that a large force of army and police deployed in Oslo, and campaigns were carried out searches at the entrances of the city and outside in anticipation of new attacks.

At the same time, police asked people staying at home, and not to participate in any rallies.

The Al Jazeera reporter has quoted after the blast, security sources had been found on the charred car at the scene, which is likely to be used in the attack. The agency said that "ITP" The explosion probably took place between the Prime Minister's Office and the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy.

In addition to government offices, also damaged the offices of the newspaper "in G" People said, according to Norwegian media.

While security forces were moving to avoid other possible attacks, an attacker fired at least one dressed as police opened fire on a summer youth camp on the island of Otoya at a distance of thirty kilometers northwest of Oslo.

The Norwegian media on Friday, quoting witnesses as they saw the bodies of twenty people were killed in the shooting of the camp, which was attended by about seven hundred young man, while police reported that at least ten were killed in this attack.

Police said they arrested the attacker, who was wearing a police uniform, and confirmed later that the link to the bombing that hit Oslo.

Motivated targeting

Authorities did not refer to specific drivers of the two concurrent, and it seemed prudent in mind the act of terrorism.

It was not clear whether Prime Minister target of the bombing, which targeted the seat of government, then who will visit the camp.

The Al-Jazeera correspondent in Oslo, Norway to participate to the military operations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Afghanistan has not received any threats in the past.

For his part, noted journalist asked thalamic connection with the island from Oslo to threats by Islamic Iraqi Kurdish leader Mullah Krekar, against the Norwegian government after the warrant was issued against him stopped on the 12th of this month.

Mahadi said that Krekar, Norway threatened to target if deported to Iraq.

International positions

In the context of international reaction, he called for U.S. President Barack Obama of the world to enhance cooperation to combat terrorism.

Obama said at a news conference after a meeting in Washington, President of New Zealand John Key had not received information on the nature of the attacks, which occurred in Norway.

For his part, the European Union condemned the attacks, describing them cowardly act. It also condemned by NATO Secretary General Anders Rasmussen, and are described Balbgbin.

News reports said earlier Friday that Denmark's neighboring Norway has mobilized its security in anticipation of attacks may target.

Source: Al Jazeera + agencies
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