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Sunday, July 15, 2012

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Risk Warnings raised baby monitor cords due to strangulation

Risk Warnings raised baby monitor cords due to strangulation

A doll is used to demonstrate how monitor cords pose a strangulation danger for babies.
Baby monitors audio and video are designed to give parents peace of mind, but the federal government warns parents that the devices can be fatal if they are not placed out of reach of young children. Since 2002, seven children died and three nearly strangled when they became entangled in the strings of devices for their protection. Wednesday, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, with the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association, an organization representing manufacturers of products for children, launched a safety campaign for babies to alert parents and caregivers about the dangers of strangulation of the cord. Get bumper nurseries, doctor urges the group key message - keep baby monitors at least 3 meters from nurseries. "Children are curious, they will come to know if they can get to them, and that the cord ends around their necks and strangle them," said CPSC Chairman Inez Tenenbaum. For parents Charles and Lisa Pereira Rushton, the warnings come too late. In 2010, their 10-month-old daughter, Savannah, died after being wrapped in the cord of his baby monitor. "Most people buy them thinking they are better security for the child, when in fact, wired monitors present a very real threat to the life of a child, "Pereira told CNN. Spread the word about the dangers of the strings was a mission of Pereira and Rushton since their loss. Savannah said the couple had just learned to pull up to standing position. "We were so excited about it. And actually I remember him saying, we will need to take a look at everything and make sure everything is safe around the house," said Rushton. Children die after leaving the gas fire warning Wednesday marks the second time in two years that the CPSC warned parents about the dangers of strangulation of the cord. The last announcement was accompanied by launching a safety campaign for babies that includes a national warning website, video and advertising the dangers cords present. Parents can also get free warning labels to be attached to ropes baby monitor. Rushton and Pereira were concerned about the safety of Savannah. "I am very aware of the danger of rope And it was something I kind of obsessed with -. That seems crazy at this point in time, "said Rushton." Where it was placed at the time, she was unable to reach it. But she went one step only 24 hours before the accident product, and we have not had the opportunity to reassess the room. " Stupid things that parents who put their children at risk Parents who wish to obtain a warning sticker for free baby monitor cord or more information can visit

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Feds: No change in control of illegal immigration by police in Arizona since the decision

Feds: No change in control of illegal immigration by police in Arizona since the decision
An immigrant is detained in a holding cell in Florence, Arizona, in 2010.
The federal authorities have seen no change in the number of illegal immigration checks sought by local police in Arizona and allowed under a law of the State party confirmed by a recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court States, officials said Wednesday. In the first week after the High Court upheld a portion of the controversial law, eight calls were made by the agencies of law in Arizona investigating the immigration status of people suspected of being illegally in the United States, said spokeswoman Amber Cargile on Immigration and U.S. Customs Enforcement in Phoenix. These phone calls eight "led to the arrest of 38 foreigners on immigration violations" between June 25 and July 2, Cargile said. Texas uses pictures of license plates for the application figures from the recent past or a year ago were not immediately available, "but our staff reported they continue to receive what they describe as a volume normal call of the state and local agencies of law enforcement, "Cargile said in an e-mail response to a CNN survey. On June 25, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down key elements of the Arizona law that sought to discourage illegal immigration, but let stand the controversial provision allowing police to check the immigration status of a person while the other law enforcement, if "reasonable suspicion" exists that the person is in the U.S. illegally. Critics have said the law opens the door to racial profiling. California Senate passes "anti-Arizona Bill The Phoenix Police Department and two sheriffs of Arizona told CNN that the law will not result in big change for their départements.Mais Tucson Chief Police Roberto Villasenor expressed concern in an interview after the decision of whether its 950-officer of the Agency has been dealt a "mandate impossible." The state law, SB 1070, allows citizens to sue his department or others if they fail to enforce federal immigration laws, said the head. "Just for my agency, there will be a huge workload, just make the calls and waiting for a response on what to do, "the police chief from Arizona's second largest city said. "I'm not sure that the federal government is capable of handling all the requests they receive," Villasenor said. "I do not know what effect this will have on my body." Arizona is deploying "show your papers laws At a time when the Tucson Police Department is down 160 officers due to a weakening economy, the agency must now give way to 50,000 phone calls a year for additional federal officials to verify immigration status of persons whose officers have arrested and have reason to believe are in the country illegally, said Villasenor. Just 70 miles from the Mexican border, the Tucson Department may have to spend more than $ 10 million annually to reserve up to 36,000 and jail those arrested also suspected illegal immigrants, an increase of over 7% $ 130 million budget of the Agency, Villasenor said.
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Biden takes on issues of voting rights at NAACP convention

Biden takes on issues of voting rights at NAACP convention
Vice President Joe Biden delivered an enthusiastic speech to the NAACP in Houston on Thursday, to build support for President Barack Obama and drawing contrasts with the Republican Party on issues of civil rights. In the wake of recent conflicts voter identification, Biden has deviated from his typical campaign speech to zero in the voting rights, arguing that Republicans were making it more difficult for certain groups to vote. Implementing laws requiring voters to present official identification to the polling booth, Biden said, the GOP sees "a different future, where voting is made ​​more difficult, not easier." The Democrats have said that these laws are politically motivated and designed to eliminate the minority vote, because fewer people in minority groups carry government-issued ID. Republicans, meanwhile, make the case that such laws prevent fraud and protect the integrity of the system.
The issue was a hot topic this week at the NAACP convention, where Attorney General Eric Holder spoke Tuesday and slammed the states that have considered or attempted to implement these laws, including Texas, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania . Call for founding the group, Mr. Biden on Thursday called the crowd to "remember this (NAACP) at its base was all about." "It was about the right to vote, because when you vote, you have the right to change things," he said. He called the crowd to imagine what the Department of Justice might look like under a Romney administration. "Imagine the recommendations and that he may choose for the Attorney General or the head of the division of civil rights," he said, drawing scorn from the audience. The Vice President also mentioned some number of other issues, including energy, health care, women's issues and education. in each case, he compared Obama's policies with those of the Republican Party. he particularly criticized the GOP for obstructing what he sees as the key legislation since Obama took office.
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Facebook merges emotion to his efforts against bullying

Facebook merges emotion to his efforts against bullying
 Facebook is changing how offensive or bullying content is reported, the company announced Wednesday.
Communication on Facebook started with the simple wave emotion "poke". Over the past eight years, many features were added to the social network, expanding the ways in which people can interact with each other. Someone you can chat and message, to mark them in a photo or an item, check them in one place, to post on their calendar or mention them in your own posts. A negative side effect of all these exchanges is that the potential for misunderstanding and conflict has also skyrocketed, from an adult not like how they look in a photo tagged with cyberbullying among teenagers. To make it easier to catch and resolve volatile situations from the beginning, Facebook is changing the way content is reported, the company announced Wednesday. It is to give users tools to better communicate their feelings and manage conflicts themselves. The changes are the result of collaborations with Yale, Columbia and Berkeley that involved months of research and focus groups with children, teachers and psychologists cliniciens.Le first change is specifically for 13 - and 14 years (you must be at least 13 to register for a Facebook account). If a boy in this age group wants to report a post mean or threatening, the image of a classmate put on Facebook, they can click "This position is a problem" (a new term chosen to replace the stiff "Report") and go through a series of questions from random to determine what kind of issue it is and how to get the situation is serious. There's even a grid to classify emotions. Once he finished the questions, a list of proposed actions is generated according to how their complaint is based. If the boy is more annoyed than frightened, he could choose to send pre-written message to another person by saying that the post makes him uncomfortable. If he is afraid he will be invited to get help from a trusted friend or adult. There are links to catch anyone who may be suicidal and direct them to professionals and its own Facebook chat suicide hotline. "We think it is important that Facbook provide encouragement for children to find their own support network," said Robin Stern, a psychoanalyst at Columbia University who worked on the project. "The children we say they are spending hours online ... they live their lives with Facebook in the background. " Children are not the only ones who need a little help to communicate their feelings on the Internet. Facebook looked at the pictures that are reported for the removal of all ages, for offenses reported to be pornographic, contain hate speech or representative drug. When they started digging in, the team noticed the images were frequently being marked for more personal reasons - someone did not like how they looked in the photo, was hampered their boss was the dancing on a table or maybe just trying to wipe the evidence of an old romance. Usually, when a picture is reported for violation of community standards, it goes to a Facebook employee who must decide what to do. That's a lot of requests. By expanding the options and direct people to ask the person who posted a picture of the take down, Facebook is putting its members in charge of their own problems and save himself some resources as a bonus. "How do you build in emotion, this ancient part of human nature, to the Facebook site?" Dacher Keltner asked, director of the Laboratory of social interaction at Berkeley. Keltner team worked with Facebook to add a little emotion in the process, customization of applications to purchase shares based on the reason for wanting the picture removed and how important it is for the offended party it down. The wording was made more polished and recipient pre-writen given answers to choose too, opening a dialogue between the two sides. The changes are not the biggest Facebook has done, or even the most remarkable settings to deploy this week. But the changes show the company pays special attention to the subtle ways people communicate emotions on the social network. And doing research, changing formulation and monitoring of response rates, it is also to understand how best to involve its users. The motive was good, conflict resolution and help children, but the method could also have practical applications for the delivery of paid content. "Language issues and really design that really matters for this stuff," said Jake Brill, Facebook product manager. "The slightest change can impact truly remarkable." The changes have been available for many users Facebook as part of a trial run and to all members of the United States this week. Statistics are promising: The rate of people who completed the questionnaire at untagging image has jumped 48% to 78 %. The team hopes to expand the program to other languages ​​and countries, but only after carefully recalibrate the wording of these crops. Study results were presented Wednesday (which was the Research Day Facebook Compassion) in Menlo Park, California. Anti-cyberbullying The company was thrust began shortly after the suicide of Tyler Clementi, though Facebook says it has not been inspired by a single event.
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The judge can only abortion clinic in Mississippi remain open - for now

The judge can only abortion clinic in Mississippi remain open - for now

The Jackson Women's Health Organization is the only clinic that provides abortions in the state of Mississippi.
A federal judge in Mississippi on Wednesday ordered an extension of his temporary order to allow the clinical status of abortion to remain open. The order will be in place until the District Judge Daniel Jordan United States may revise the newly written rules on how the Ministry of Health will administer a Mississippi abortion law. He then plans to decide whether the temporary order will become permanent, or if the clinic is closed. The law took effect July 1 and requires all providers of abortion in Mississippi to be certified obstetrician / gynecologist with privileges at local hospitals. Physicians Organization of Women's Health Jackson, the abortion provider in the state, come in other states, and one of his doctors is admitted to practice in a nearby hospital.Proponents of the new law said it is intended to protect women against unscrupulous practitioners, but others say it is part of a move to outlaw abortion in the state. Even Republican Governor Phil Bryant called "the first step in a movement, I believe, to do what we campaigned on: to say that we will try to end abortion in Mississippi." Who calls the shots on abortion laws? Since the Act came into force, the Organization of Women's Health Jackson remained open under the application of the Jordan to temporarily block the law. The clinic is trying to comply with the Act, as the owner Diane Derzis, but was hampered by red tape and cumbersome application process to obtain hospital privileges. Derzis said the clinical privileges requested in seven hospitals within 30 miles. A, a Catholic hospital, has already said the clinic "do not disturb," she said. The clinic is seeking a permanent injunction allowing it to remain open as he struggles with the law, which Derzis and other opponents say violates Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision the Supreme Court invalidated the laws of many states that restricted abortions. "It's unconstitutional, frankly," said Amelia McGowan, a staff lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union, which is against the new law. If Jordan decides not to make permanent its temporary order, the state can not start a 60 - to 90 days administrative process to begin to close the clinic for non-compliance with the new state law. The clinic administrator, who has been in operation for eight years, said they would have to choose between being arrested or risk civil and criminal penalties from continuing operations during an appeal process. "We were able to be with women in both their lives when they are in crisis, when they need to have done something and need support," said Derzis. "C That is why it must be available. It must be. " Philadelphia abortion clinic worker pleads guilty Some donors of the bill say it is not an attempt to end abortion in Mississippi, but simply a means to protect the health of women through the doctors to perform abortions and to follow patients in a local hospital thereafter. "The Governor made clear that he signed the law on health and safety of women," said Steven Aden, a senior counsel for the state. "So while he is pro-life, it also said that this is a provision of the health and safety. I do not see why it is difficult to understand. " Despite some recent minor citations, Organization of Women's Health Jackson has a very good record with the Ministry of Health of Mississippi, an official there told CNN. Mississippi is one of the toughest states for the movement of abortion rights. Its laws require a 24 hour wait and parental consent if the patient seeking an abortion is a minor. Seven other States require abortion providers to have hospital privileges, but no other state requires a supplier of abortion as an OB / GYN, according to the Guttmacher Institute in Washington, an organization of sexual and reproductive. "All this is wrapped in the cloak of religion conservative," said W. Martin Wiseman, director of the Stennis Institute of Government at Mississippi State University. "When you are in this state, you can not separate a question of religion," said Wiseman. "The reason used to be normal in other states does not fly here, you will find very few legislators -. Regardless of whether they are white, black, Democrat or Republican -. Who can say, "I am pro-aborton" Siri can not direct you to an abortion clinic? Bryant signed the bill into law in April after the Republican-dominated legislature overwhelmingly passed it. Bryant said he signed the bill to support women's health, but he also says Roe against Wade was wrongly decided and should be quashed. He has since filed a "friend of the court" brief in the case against Jackson clinic. Derzis said she believes that the real intent of the newly elected Republican majority was to end abortion in the state, not to improve the care of women's health. "I like that it's white old men who make such statements," she said. "It's not about safety. This is politics, and politics need not be in our womb. "
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Police reopen major Canada-US tunnel after bomb threat

Police reopen major Canada-US tunnel after bomb threat

The major tunnel between Windsor, Ontario, and Detroit was scheduled to reopen at 17 pm and Thursday after a stop due to a bomb threat, the Windsor police said. Police "fully inspected" the tunnel before reopening it, authorities said Windsor. The bomb threat led to traffic backups that drivers on both sides of the border were diverted. Employees at Detroit-Windsor Tunnel has received an anonymous phone call around 12:30 pm from someone saying there was a bomb in the tunnel, Sgt. Matthew D'Asti with Windsor police told HLN. The authorities have worked together on both sides of the border to investigate and search the tunnel for any device possible, said D'Asti. Neal Belitsky, President and CEO of Detroit-Windsor Tunnel, said the threat was called in the Canadian portion. The authorities dealt with the issue "as a nonspecific, anonymous bomb threat," said Asti. The tunnel was evacuated. The tunnel is one of two international crossings between Windsor and Detroit. Traffic was routed to the other, a bridge about two miles away. About 27,000 to 29 000 vehicles pass daily through the tunnel, which opened in 1930. The Coast Guard says it has created a security zone in the Detroit River to keep ships away from the tunnel.

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Las Vegas One chimp shot, Another tranquilized

Las Vegas One chimp shot, Another tranquilized
A chimpanzee lies dead in the street Thursday after being shot by Las Vegas police.
Las Vegas Metro Police received a call Thursday morning unusual - two chimpanzees were loose and attacking cars in the northwest part of town. Police were forced to fatally shoot a chimpanzee aggressively approached the officers and spectators, said Officer Laura Meltzer. The second animal was tranquilized and secured by animal control officers, she said. It was not immediately known where chimpanzees or from whom they belong, Meltzer said.

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FBI witnesses say that George Zimmerman is not Racist

FBI witnesses say that George Zimmerman is not Racist
Trayvon Martin's family and supporters say George Zimmerman racially profiled the teen before the shooting.
George Zimmerman, charged with second-degree murder in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, had a "little hero complex", but was not a racist, an investigator Sanford, Florida, homicide told federal agents , according to published reports Thursday. In an interview with FBI agents in March, the investigator Chris Serino told the authorities he "believed that Zimmerman's actions were not based on skin color Martin, rather based on his costume, the whole circumstances of the meeting and the previous burglary suspects in the community, "according to an FBI report. reports and other information in the murder case against Zimmerman in the second degree were released Thursday by Special Prosecutor Angela Corey's lawyer Zimmerman . the U.S. Department of Justice took a survey for civil rights in the wake of allegations that race played a role in the assassination of Martin, 17, in February in a gated community in Sanford, Florida. published reports Thursday not to draw conclusions from this investigation. Read the FBI report (PDF) the Martin family and supporters say racially profiled Zimmerman adolescents, describing it as "suspicious" when calling 911 and ignoring the request of a police dispatcher that he does not follow.
Le bénévole de 28 ans de surveillance de quartier a dit qu'il a tué Martin en état de légitime défense, affirmant que les adolescents à coups de poing et a claqué sa tête dans un trottoir avant la fusillade, selon les membres de la famille et de la police. Trayvon Martin mémoire retiré, mais préservéParmi les éléments de preuve publié jeudi des détails sur des entretiens avec fédéraux de plus de 30 personnes, y compris les membres clés du ministère de Sanford police et les voisins de Zimmerman et ses collègues. Dans son interview, Serino expliqué aux agents du FBI que les Afro-américains des gangs dans la communauté "généralement vêtu de noir et portaient des chandails à capuchon,» dit le rapport. "Serino croit que lorsque Zimmerman a vu Martin dans un Sweat à capuche (sic), Zimmerman a pris sur lui pour voir Martin comme agissant suspect", indique le rapport. "Serino décrit Zimmerman comme excessives et comme ayant" un complexe petit héros », mais pas comme un raciste. Serino a expliqué que de nombreuses reprises il a demandé spécifiquement Zimmerman s'il suivait Martin sur la base de sa couleur de peau et Zimmerman n'a jamais reconnu ce fait." En Juin, Sanford a annoncé la police Serino avait «volontairement» a demandé à être déplacé de détective à l'agent de patrouille. À l'époque, la police Sgt. David Morgenstern a déclaré que la décision n'était pas une rétrogradation et qu'il ne savait pas pourquoi Serino fait la demande. Beaucoup de voisins Zimmerman, dont l'identité ont été supprimés, a déclaré à des agents fédéraux, ils ne le connaissais pas. Et ceux qui avaient eu rien de désobligeant à dire sur lui. De même, interrogé des collègues sont gratuits de Zimmerman. Plusieurs délégations ont noté un incident dans lequel un verrou Zimmerman utilisé pour attacher sa chaise orthopédique à son bureau a été coupé, mais dit qu'il manipulés correctement et professionnellement. Une apparente co-travailleur, dont l'identité a été rédigé, a dit aux agents, elle vit Zimmerman comme il a été en attente pour parler à des ressources humaines le lundi après la fusillade et a remarqué ses blessures. La femme a dit aux agents que Zimmerman a été «absolument émotionnellement dévasté." Une chronologie des événementsUn autre rapport du FBI documente un Mars 30 Entretien avec un propriétaire de magasin qui a contacté les autorités pour dire Zimmerman avait contacté environ deux semaines plus tôt ", en référence à l'achat d'une nouvelle arme à feu." Zimmerman dit le propriétaire, dont l'identité a été rédigé, que «sa vie est en danger et il a besoin plus d'armes,» dit le rapport. Il n'était pas clair dans le rapport si Zimmerman acheté l'arme à feu. La preuve a également inclus audio de conversations entre 911 répartiteurs de la police et Sanford. Le répartiteur dit officiers pour trouver un "homme de race noire, fin de l'adolescence, porter un chandail à capuchon gris foncé et pantalons de survêtement, se promener", ajoutant que la jeunesse a été vu la dernière fois en courant vers l'arrière du quartier. Puis, dit le répartiteur, "Il ya des cris et un coup de feu, répondez-vous?" Les répartiteurs racontera plus tard de répondre officiers qu'ils ont reçu un total de quatre appels concernant l'incident. "Quelqu'un a pose dans la cour," un répartiteur dit. "J'ai besoin de quelqu'un ASAP," un officier dit sur l'enregistrement. "J'en ai un en bas avec une blessure par balle, et j'en ai une en sécurité." Aussi libérés étaient des rapports sur des entrevues avec des agents de la Division de la Floride de boissons alcoolisées et du tabac, qui a arrêté Zimmerman en 2005 sur des soupçons de la batterie contre un agent des services répressifs et d'obstruction de la justice. Les agents ont dit aux autorités que Zimmerman n'a pas utilisé des propos racistes ou discriminatoires langue lors de l'incident, les rapports dit. Les accusations portées contre Zimmerman, qui a été accusé de pousser un agent infiltré, ont ensuite été abandonnées après qu'il est entré un programme de déjudiciarisation avant le procès et a terminé une classe de gestion de la colère. Un rapport sur une entrevue avec Zimmerman, l'ex-fiancé a également été publié. La femme a dit aux autorités que si elle et Zimmerman avait des altercations physiques et à un moment déposé ordonnances uns contre les autres, elle n'a jamais vu Zimmerman présentent toute autre violence ou montrer un quelconque préjugé racial. En outre, des détails sur Zimmerman vidéo de surveillance compte MySpace, et des e-mails entre Zimmerman et évincé Sanford chef de police Bill Lee ont été libérés dans le cadre de la preuve de transfert. Sur le compte de MySpace dans le nom de "Joe G.," Zimmerman, un Hispanique blanc, rappelle le déplacement de Manassas, en Virginie, en disant: "Je ne manquez pas la conduite autour peur de frapper les Mexicains walkin sur le côté de la rue, doux ass wanna be voyous messin avec des voitures les peuples quand ils ne sont pas autour (ce qui êtes-vous provinciaux, que vous pouvez dent une voiture en l'absence de ceux Watchin) ne vous font pas un homme dans mon livre. de travail 96 heures pour obtenir un salaire décent vérifier, se couteaux tirés sur vous par tous les Mexicains vous avez. " Également publié étaient des copies des mails e-entre Zimmerman et Lee avant le tournage ce qui concerne le programme de surveillance de quartier. Zimmerman, dans les e-mails, notes, il ya eu un «pic des vols et des invasions de domicile dans le quartier au cours des deux derniers mois." Il ajoute qu'il n'a pas eu une vision positive de Sanford police en raison de l '«incident Sherman Ware." Ware, un homme noir sans-abri, a été battu par le fils d'un lieutenant de police de Sanford. Zimmerman a été critique de la police de manutention de l'affaire et aurait travaillé pour le compte de Ware. Zimmerman a été publié le 1 million de dollars d'obligations la semaine dernière. Un lien initial de 150.000 dollars a été révoqué le mois dernier après qu'un juge a appris que Zimmerman et sa femme a omis de divulguer plus de 150.000 $ en dons du public. Tournage feuilles communauté divisée.

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